According to information obtained from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, a
25 year-old North Carolina man who was found with more than 50 pounds
of marijuana during a routine stop on Interstate 40 in Sequoyah County
last Friday has been released on $41,000 bond pending a arrangement
hearing on August 16.
Bruce Cilmup, who lists an address in Charlotte, was released on the
bond Monday after being charged in Sequoyah County Distrct Court on
various drug counts. The felony charges include trafficking in illegal
drugs, maintaining a place for keeping and selling a controlled
substance, as well as misdemeanor charge of unlawful possession of
drug paraphernalia.
The OHP says Climup was stopped for speeding near mile marker 299 just
past Vian. The trooper who made the stop called out the K-9 units
after Cimpup “appeared nervous” and the officer spotted marijuana
residue in the pick-up truck. Climup initially refused permission to
search the vehicle and when the K9 officer alerted on the truck, the
search revealed the illegal cargo,
In addition to vacuum bags of marijuana, THC wax, marijuana edibles
and a marijuana cigarette were located.
Cilmup was then arrested and transported to the Sequoyah County jail.