LITTLE ROCK – Tech Support Scams continue to be on the rise as con artists will call, email or send pop-up windows claiming to be a technician from well-known companies like Apple or Microsoft. In these cases, there is no real problem but tech support makes contact claiming to have the fix your device needs.

These fake techs will claim to see a problem that you cannot see, such as a virus or malware, and request remote access to the device. The scammer may then tell you the only way to fix it is to download unnecessary and likely harmful software and to wire money.

“As part of Cyber Security Awareness Month, it’s important for Arkansans to watch out for unexpected pop-ups, phone calls or spam emails, offering quick fixes to a computer or tablet,” said Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge. “These criminals will be very convincing, but if you have not noticed a problem then there likely is not one and you do not need tech support.”

Attorney General Rutledge and the Federal Trade Commission offer the following tips on how to spot a Tech Support Scam:

  • Asking for remote access to your computer – which lets them change your computer settings so your computer is vulnerable to attack.
  • Malware may be installed, giving them access to your computer and sensitive data, like user names and passwords.
  • They will try to sell software that’s worthless, or that you could get elsewhere for free
  • They will try to enroll you in a worthless computer maintenance or warranty program.
  • Asking for credit card information so they can bill for phony services, or services you could get elsewhere for free
  • Direct you to websites and ask you to enter a credit card number and other personal information


If Arkansans are concerned about their computer or other device, call a security software company directly.

For more information and tips to avoid scams and other consumer-related issues, contact the Arkansas Attorney General’s office at (800) 482-8982 or [email protected] or visit or


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