United Way hosting virtual “Day Of Caring”


The United Way Of Fort Smith has released the following plans for tomorrow’s “Day Of Caring”:

“In honor of our 27th Annual Day of Caring, we ask you to join us in celebrating our volunteers! Because Day of Caring which was scheduled for April 23rd was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are going to have Day of Caring – Social Distance Style. We are asking that each of you share to your social media a photo of you volunteering, your favorite Day of Caring t-shirt, or even your favorite memory from a past Day of Caring event. We would love to flood social media with joyful memories of Day of Caring and shed some much-needed light during this stressful time. Please invite your friends and co-workers to join you in this fun day. We are asking that you tag us in these social media posts. On Facebook, tag United Way of Fort Smith and on Instagram and Twitter @unitedwayfsa. For social media platforms where hashtags are used, the hashtags will be #unitedwayfsa #SocialDistanceStyle.

Day of Caring is a vital event for our local non-profit agencies. Over the past 26 years, the value of our volunteer hours has reached well over one million dollars. These volunteers provided the work force for our agencies to complete much-needed projects. We hope to reschedule to a time when it is safe for our volunteers and agencies. If time does not allow for rescheduling this year, we may be in contact with some of you about completing the projects through our Day of Caring 365 program. This will depend on social distancing guidelines.
The design for the t-shirt was complete so we changed it up a bit and we are offering the option to purchase a Day of Caring 2020 – Social Distance Style t-shirt. We will have details on pricing and payment options on the 23rd. Proceeds from the purchase of the t-shirt will benefit the COVID-19 Community Response Fund. This fund will assist agencies and organizations in providing individuals and families who have been impacted by this pandemic, the assistance needed to stay in their homes and keep food on the table. United Way and the Community Response Committee will work to get these dollars into our area quickly. These micro-grants (up to $1000) are for organizations responding to the immediate needs of vulnerable populations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can also donate to this fund by texting “response” to 91999, online at unitedwayfortsmith.org or by mailing a check to us at 120 North 13th St. Fort Smith, AR 72901.


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