The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on February 8th through 10th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
- Aaron Ray Malenshek - Unlawful Transport of Stolen Propert to a Pawn Shop
- Aerial Elicia Pound - Failure to Appear, Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle, Failure to Appear
- Albert Lamont Hicks - Fail to Pay Fine
- Amber Dawn Rodgers - Failure to Appear
- Amber Elizabeth Marie Larson - Battery
- Amy Ichinowski - Failure To Appear
- Andrea Crowder - Drug Court Sanctions
- Angela Galvez - Petition To Revoke
- Anthony Atwell - Drug Court Sanctions
- Anthony Steele - Failure To Appear
- Barbara Freeman - Failure To Appear
- Blaise Warren - Drug Court Sanctions
- Brandi Lee Witt - Fail to Pay Fine, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
- Carla Sue Holt - Public Intoxication
- Cindy Mae Lambert FTA
- Cynthia Jones - Return To Testify
- Darrell Vance Taylor - Public Intoxication
- David Mingo - DWI I
- David Wayne Horn - ADC Commitment Hold
- Debra Lee Brewer - ACT 570
- Demetria Renea Thompson - Fail to Pay Fine
- Diana Marie West - Assist Outside Agency
- Dustin Elijah Wells - ADC Commitment Hold
- Earl Walker - ADC Commitment Hold
- Edward Lee Robinson - Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear
- Erika Lynn Smith - Contempt of Court, FTA
- Heather Allissa Goff - Fail to Pay Fine
- Isabel Marie Butte - Battery
- Jaci Dawn West - Theft of Property
- James Williams - Return To Testify
- Jason Hobbs - Public Intoxication
- Jeffery Scott Edwards - ADC Commitment Hold
- Jeffrey Bowman - Public Intoxication
- Jennifer Cripps - Return To Testify
- Jeremy Lee Terry - Failure to Appear
- Jeremy Wade - DWI I
- John Chesley Beasley - Disorderly Conduct
- John Clark - DWI I
- Jonathan Neil Howard - Theft by Recieving, Possession of Firearm, Possession Drug Paraphernalia
- Joni Stephens - Disorderly Conduct
- Joseph Bulet - Failure To Appear
- Joshua James Jameson - ACT 570
- Joshua Jerrell - Failure To Appear
- Joshua Yancey - Assisting Outside Agency
- Kendall Mesa - Return To Testify
- Krishna Michelle Bragg - Failure to Appear
- Kyler Darell King - Drug Court Sanctions
- Lenville Mills - Terroristic Threatening, Battery (2nd Degree)
- Louis Napier - ADC Commitment
- Maura MegAnn Blasingame - ADC Commitment Hold
- Melinda Lanell Thomas - DWI I, Endangering the Welfare of a Minor
- Miranda Lelynne Putnam - Contempt of Court, Failure to Appear
- Nicholas Adam Burtenshaw - ADC Commitment Hold
- Paula Strunk - Theft of Property
- Randal Smith - Failure To Appear
- Randall Goff - Assault On Family Or Household Member
- Reece Jay Simpler - ACT 570
- Richard Brown - Drug Court Sanctions
- Rigoberto Rivera - Mulatillo - ICE Hold
- Robert Lee Smith - Contempt of Court
- Robert Stephens - Failure To Pay Fine
- Roger Leif Johansson - Assist Outside Agency
- Ronald Mize - Failure To Appar
- Ryan Joe Smothers - Return to Testify, ADC Commitment Hold
- Ryneka Shane Church - Obstructing Governmental Operations, Possession of Controlled Substance
- Samantha Jean Holland - Theft of Property
- Sarah Jane Uselton - Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine
- Sarah Renee Howard - Failure to Appear, Theft by Recieving, Possession of Firearm, Possession Drug Paraphernalia
- Shawn Syfert - Assist Outside Agency
- Shirley Williams - Failure To Appear
- Todd Evan Blanscet - ADC Commitment Hold
- Tommy Wayne Taylor - Public Intoxication
- Vanessa Cross - Failure To Appear
- Walker Hagar - Public Intoxication
- William Brian Cdebaca - Fail to Pay Fine
- William James Phillips - ADC Commitment
- William Lavelle Linton - Fail to Pay Fine
- Zelberdia Moore - Theft of Property
- Aaron Douglas Warren - Delivery of Controlled Substance
- Alyssa Proffitt - Drug Court Sanctions
- Angel Cowan - Return To Testify
- Donnie Ladell Wise - Parole Violation
