WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Steve Womack is the new Chairman of the House Budget Committee after action taken today in Washington. The House Republican Steering Committee voted to designate the Arkansas Representative to the position, after the former Chair, Rep. Diane Black of Tennessee stepped aside to run for Governor in her home state.
“It is a great honor to be selected as Chairman of the House Budget Committee. I am grateful for the confidence and support of my colleagues as we get started on the next budget resolution.” Womack said in a statement. “The task ahead of us will certainly be a challenge, but I look forward to leading the committee and together crafting a conservative and responsible vision for getting America back on a sustainable fiscal path.”
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan gave Womack his vote of confidence shortly after the announcement.
“I believe Steve Womack is the right man for the job of chairman of the Budget Committee.” Ryan said Friday. “Steve’s experience in the House, commitment to fiscal conservatism, and relentless pursuit to safeguard taxpayer dollars make him extremely qualified to lead this important committee. I am looking forward to Steve’s service, and I know he will do an excellent job.”
Womack has served in the House since 2011 after serving as the Mayor of Rogers. Prior to entering politics, he spent many years as a popular broadcaster in the region, having established KURM 790 AM in 1979, with his father Kermit Womack. In addition to his business and political career, he has also been a Lieutenant Colonel in the National Guard.