Fort Smith Features

Still no answers to many questions in 2009 death of Sarah Fennell

In February of 2009, Sarah Fennell was found unconscious by the Fort Smith Police Department. A former boyfriend of Fennell was found alongside her, also unconscious.

Fennell was in a comatose state due to a beating she had sustained and was rushed to the hospital. After several days, 25-year-old Sarah Fennell died.

This is where the story turns even darker. Almost immediately, there was an outcry from the community and Fennell’s relatives regarding her death.

They alleged that Fennell was brutally murdered — beaten by her former boyfriend, who, according to sources, had a long history of alcoholism and violence towards women.

Oddly enough, according to court filings, Sarah Fennell’s death was officially ruled as “natural causes” by state medical officials.

One family member of Sarah Fennell (her uncle) has spoken out repeatedly about his outrage in the Fennell case and he suggests that investigators refused to hold Sarah’s boyfriend accountable for her murder.

According to Sarah’s uncle, “Sarah’s boyfriend committed disgusting acts on Sarah’s unconscious and unresponsive body.”

As an outlet for his outrage and quest for justice, Sarah’s uncle launched a website called Justice4Sarah. The site published several key documents in Sarah’s death investigation and also called for justice on behalf of his murdered niece.

This is where the story takes a strange turn. Sarah Fennell’s former boyfriend, the one found unconscious next to her … the one who had a long history of alcoholism and violence … the very boyfriend who had been completely quiet during this entire twisted tale … finally spoke out.

Did he offer up an explanation or condolences?


Instead, he filed suit in Benton County asking for damages due to ‘emotional and personal distress’ that he claims was inflicted upon him by the Justice4Sarah website.

In addition, Sarah’s former boyfriend specifically asked the judge to bar the website from further “defamation” and require the Justice4Sarah website to remove any mention of his name.

He didn’t take the time to assure Sarah’s family and friends that he was innocent.

His one and only goal was to distance himself from the mysterious death of his former girlfriend; have his name removed from the website, along with any mention of the word murder in conjunction with the name Sarah Fennell.

That’s it.

Disgusting, huh?

If, by chance, you have your hopes up that freedom of speech won out in this case, you will be sorely disappointed.

Because it didn’t.

Instead, the Justice4Sarah website was forced to remove all mentions of Sarah’s death, her former boyfriend’s name, and any real or perceived mention of injustice that surrounded the investigation (or lack thereof) into her death.

And just like that – poof – any mention of Sarah Fennell and her tragic demise is no longer found on the Internet. In fact, it’s difficult to find any mention of Sarah Fennell at all.
So what DID happen to Sarah Fennell that led to her death?

Fort Smith, we should be demanding answers.

A young woman died in the prime of her life. There are obvious questions surrounding her death that are being ignored. And if the Justice4Sarah website was right … a murderer is walking free.

… To be continued

If you have information about Sarah Fennell and the mystery surrounding her death, please contact [email protected].

Note: The names of Sarah’s uncle and her former boyfriend have been withheld.



  1. Nicole

    May 25, 2017 at 7:09 pm

    This makes me so sick! I miss her so much! I was with them that night at a restaurant before all this went down! I kick myself for not going and thinking I could have stopped it

  2. James Steward

    May 30, 2017 at 3:17 pm

    ‘A former boyfriend of Fennell was found alongside her, also unconscious’ There are NO facts to this statement. Her boyfriend was drunk and forced to release Sarah after a family member finally located her. Adam Kuttel was removed from the ER by security and held until the police arrived. This is documented in the Police report.

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