Bob Bailey (right) speaks with a potential voter at a campaign stop in Jasper over the weekend. (PHOTO: Bob Bailey For Senate Facebook)

We take an interest in politics at all levels, and on the east side of the River Valley, there is an important race for the Arkansas State Senate.

On Friday of last week, the Today In Arkansas blog gave you the lowdown on what was going on in the State Senate District 16 race between Russellville School Board member Breanne Davis and gunmaker Bob Bailey.

Thursday, the Russellville Chamber Of Commerce arranged a candidate forum that would have at least given the two a chance to sit down and face each other in front of many civic-minded residents.

As we told you Friday, Davis showed up, Bailey was unable to attend.

We also gave you the connection between Bailey’s largest backer Conduit For Arkansas, and the radio show that it supports on several smaller talk radio stations in eight Arkansas markets. So it is no surprise that the next time that Russellville voters heard any explanation, it was on The Paul Harrell Show which airs locally on KARV.

(PUBLISHERS NOTE: Perhaps one of the biggest advantages of being on KARV at 8:00 AM is that you are a lead-in to the incomparable KARV’s Dial-A-Trade, an hour of buying, selling, trading, and swapping via the AM airwaves.)

So here is what Bob Bailey had to say about not showing up for the debate, question/answer session, grilling… whatever you choose to call it:

For those of you who didn’t watch all fourteen minutes of the segment, here is a brief recap:

  1. The Chamber called it a meeting and promised not to slander, roast or talk down to Bailey.
  2. The Chamber just wanted to ask a few questions of both candidates. Bailey agreed thinking it was just a question or answer forum.
  3. Bailey had a scheduling conflict, and his campaign manager forgot to tell them he couldn’t show up. He let them know shortly before 5:00 PM.
  4. Bailey had no idea it was going to be a “debate”.
  5. Bailey and his campaign manager conjectured that the Chamber set this event up and failed to fully notify the Bailey crew of the details.
  6. Paul Harrell and Bailey agree that it seems to be the Chamber and/or political establishment’s mode of operation to make these things a setup.

(ADDITIONAL PUBLISHERS’ NOTE: Following our commentary on Friday, several of Bailey’s supporters accused InsideFortSmith.Com of being a “bought and paid for” fake news operation, which seems ironic given that Bailey seems to get unlimited airtime on a radio “news” network whose owners have seemingly bought and paid for his campaign through their associated PAC.)

Just a few thoughts on debates, political setups, and why this doesn’t even make sense.

It is one thing to blame your absence on a scheduling conflict. For a candidate, that might even be understandable. To then accuse a non-partisan community organization of using a question and answer forum that you originally agreed to as a “political setup” really makes it sound like you are afraid of your opponent and afraid to engage the issues in a public place.

Aren’t you are the guy that said you’ll never back down from a fight?

Whether or not it was a political setup, as a legislator you don’t exactly get the convenience of getting to pick when you answer to voters. In Little Rock, right wrong or indifferent, you are going to get questioned, grilled, roasted, or opposed whether you like it or not. You don’t exactly get any notice of “political setups”.

My opinion for the two cents or less it is worth, is that any candidate wanting to run for office shouldn’t be high maintenance when it comes to talking the issues in a public space. The voters in your district deserve better than that.

As someone who was raised in Russellville, I have known of Mr. Bailey and have appreciated both his military service and his willingness to run for office.

At the end of the day though, if a guy can’t answer to his potential constituents in a candidate forum, debate, or any other gathering for that matter, maybe going up against the rest of the “establishment” isn’t for him.

I can promise you, in this day and age of electronic media, the crowd in Little Rock will make the Chamber of Commerce audience look the supportive parents at a Kindergarten graduation.

Just ask the current and former legislators who have ever made a mistake in the public eye.

The Today In Arkansas Blog is a regular opinion and commentary section of InsideFortSmith.Com


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