
Nathan Joseph Payne books on aggravated assault charges

A Fort Smith man was arrested on felony aggravated assault-domestic hands charges after a late Tuesday/early Wednesday incident in which police say he threw his female roommate from a moving truck at Highway 271 and Zero Street just before midnight on Tuesday.

Nathan Joseph Payne, of 1216 Brazil Ave. and the female roommate were traveling along Zero Street when Payne pushed her from the car because she “would not hold his drugs,” which led to an argument.

Payne claimed the victim jumped from the car because “she was jealous because I have a new girlfriend”.

When questioned at the Brazil Street residence why he had left the victim in the street after she had “jumped” from the car, Payne had a perfectly reasonable answer.

He said the victim was “crazy, had done it before and that he had to get back home to watch the rest of the hockey game on television”.

The victim had multiple scrapes on her arms, hands and legs and a deep laceration to her right heel.

When told he was being placed under arrest, Payne resisted at first telling the officers “no” twice and “tensing up” before he was taken to the ground and handcuffed.

Payne was transferred to the Sebastian County Adult Detention Center where he remains under a no bond decree.

Dennis McCaslin has been a longtime news and sports reporter for several media outlets in the Fort Smith area. He has also been a well known radio personality and play-by-play announcer for several years prior to joining InsideFortSmith.Com. He is the voice of the ArklahomaSports High School Game of the Week. E-mail: [email protected]

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