The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on May 13th-14th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Amanda Shaylyn Johnson - Contempt
Angel Jiminez - Public Intoxication
April Dawn Finch - Assist Outside Agency
Billy Joel Garrett - Fail to Pay Fine
Brandon James Stevenson - Criminal Mischief, Domestic Battery, Fail to Pay Fine
Candace Michaelane Stanley - Petition to Revoke, Theft of Property
Clarissa Faye Danielle Franklin - Assault
Corbin Krels Creutzinger - DWI I
Corey Dean Brown - DWI I, Battery, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Fleeing Misdemeanor, Contempt
Crimson Pippenger - Criminal Mischeif, Assault on a Family Member
Denny Wise - Fail to Pay Fine
Donna C Gonzalez - Domestic Battery
Enrique Eliseo Flores - Petition to Revoke, Failure to Appear, Assist Outside
Eunice Degado - DWI I, Speeding
Floyd Leon Hardy - Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine
James Roy Osborne - DWI I, Careless Driving, Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test
James Wesley Kelley - Aggravated Assault on Family Member
Jermey Timothy Townsend - Fail to Pay Fine
Jimmy Job Bridges - Fail to Pay Fine
Joel Dean Hurston - DWI I, Careless Driving
Jonathan Shaw - Possession of Controlled Substance - Possession Drug Paraphernalia
Kailtlyn Taylor Hollander - Under Aged DUI, No Headlights
Kelly Lee Fight - Violation of Hot Check Law
Kyler Darell King - Drug Court Sanctions
Lauren Marie Kirby - Failure to Appear, Possession of Controlled Susbtance
Marcia Dawn Hensley - Public Intoxication
Nathaniel Steven Flad - Public Intoxication
Phillip Wagen Reinschmiedt - Contempt
Raul Martinez - DWI I, Contempt
Richard Brent Allen - Drug Court Sanctions
Ricky Lee Perry - Fail to Pay Fine
Robert Eugene Knauls - Disorderly Conduct, Public Intoxication, Refusal to Submit to Arrest
Robert Henry Spencer - Domestic Battery
Serenity Kay Joy - Obstruction Governmental Operations, Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine
Stephan Chase Kennedy - Driving on Suspended License
Stephan Cody Perez - Domestic Battery
Sylvia Benavides - Public Intoxication
Timothy Jan Hamilton - Petition to Revoke, Fail to Pay Fine, Fleeing Misdemeanor
Timothy Jay Thompson - Public Intoxication, Disorderly Conduct
Tre’sure Kristen Sylva - Petition to Revoke, Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession Drug Paraphernalia
William Derek Webb - Failure to Appear, Reckless Driving, No Liability Insurance, Driving on Suspended License, Fleeing Felony, Failure to Appear, Parole Violation