The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center June 6th and 7th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department
Alex Chanthaphasouk - Failure To Pay Fine, Failure To Appear
Alonzo Releford - Possession of Controlled or Counterfeit Substance
Cannon Sisemore - Failure To Appear
Carl Lowther - Public Intoxication
Carlos Picazo - Aggravated Assault on Family or Household Member
Crystal Terral - Drug Court Sanctions
Daniel Lenik - Delivery of Controlled or Counterfeit Substance
David Roten - ADC Commitment
Dottie Adkins - Petition To Revoke
Fred McCormick - Public Intoxication
Gary McInnis - Failure To Pay Fine
Jacque Lemmond - Failure To Appear
Jaime Ledbetter - Burglary, Failure To Appear
Jamie McMillion - Possession of Controlled or Counterfeit Substance
Jerry Jetton - Failure To Comply With Court Order
Jorge Jaimes - ICE Hold
Joshua Bradley - Failure To Appear
Joshua Tolliver - ADC Commitment
Kenneth Ward - Failure To Pay Fine
Kyle Dustman - Failure To Appear, Failure To Pay Fine
Lee Pruitt - Theft By Receiving
Marcus Sharp - Aggravated Robbery, Fleeing, Theft By Receiving
Martin Alejandro-Lopez - Criminal Trespassing
Maryanna Flatt - Delivery of Controlled or Counterfeit Substance