FORT SMITH- The Gregory Kistler Treatment Center of Fort Smith has announced their 17th Annual “A Night at the Caribbean” fundraiser will take place on March 9th, 2019. The event will be held at the Fort Smith Convention Center from 6:00 PM - 10:30 PM

The Kistler Center, a non-profit organization, has been serving the Fort Smith area for the past 40 years providing occupational, physical, and speech language therapy for children. The proceeds of the fundraiser will go to support these efforts.

Last year was our biggest year that we have ever had,” said Aaron Lee, Development Coordinator for the Kistler Center. ” We raised over $60,000.00 and we would love to beat that if possible”

With the purchase of a $75 ticket, you will get access to a full Caribbean buffet (catered by 21 West End), an open bar, a “mojito bar” and plenty of entertainment. Musicians Mr. Cabbage and the Screaming Radishes will be performing and live as well as silent auctions will be held on site.
Corporate tables are still available as well for $1000.00

There will also be a chance to walk away with a great bottle of wine from the “Cork for a Cause” table and a photo booth.

Live auction items include a beaver lake retreat, a suite with food included at Busch Stadium for a Cardinals game, and a Traeger Grill just to name a few. There will also

More entertainment and great food awaits for those who are interested, and it will go towards an excellent cause in what sounds like a night full of fun!

If you are interested in donating to the Kistler Center, there are several other ways you can donate. Donations can be made online at the Kistler Center’s website, over the phone, or through the mail as well as in person 3304 S. M. St. in Fort Smith, 72903


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