FORT SMITH- FSPS announced today that pre-registration for new students as well as children entering kindergarten for the 2019-2020 school year will begin in April.
The district will be using an online process for pre-registration using PowerSchool, a student information management system popular with many school districts in Arkansas.
Pre-registration will be open from April 2nd, 2019 to May 29th, 2019. There will be two options available for parents to register.
Parents will be able to register in person at their child’s attendance area where a computer kiosk will be available from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Information on attendance areas is available at Parents using this method of registration will need to bring all required documents as registration can not be completed until all documents have been verified.
Parents can also register online through the “pre-registration” link on the Fort Smith Public Schools Website. If you choose to register online, a registration verification appointment will be set up with the school. Once the verification process is completed a student will maintain their placement on the registration list at a particular school.
According the the FSPS website, to be legally enrolled, immunization records must be complete and in compliance with current regulations. A birth certificate, proof of physical assessment, and a social security card must be presented to the school.
The website also notes that all students who attended preschool in a Fort Smith Pubic School must complete the kindergarten registration process.
Kindergarten is mandatory for all Children in the state of Arkansas who will be five years of age on or before August 1st, 2019, unless parents or guardians file a waiver with the Fort Smith Public Schools.
Information courtesy: Fort Smith Public Schools District News
Photo: Kindergarten, in session by woodleywonderworks is licensed under CC by 2.0