
Fort Smith woman killed in Kansas hit and run

Lisa A. Longo, 47, of Fort Smith was killed Saturday in a hit and run accident that occurred just before 11 p.m. on Interstate 70 in Trego County, Kansas.

Lisa A. Longo, 47, of Fort Smith was killed Saturday in a hit and run accident that occurred just before 11 p.m. on Interstate 70 in Trego County, Kansas.

According to a fatality report filled with the Kansas Highway Patrol, Lingo was a passenger in a vehicle driven by her husband that lost part of it’s load at the 142.6 mile marker of the westbound lane of the interstate just past the Riga Road exit.

The Longo vehicle had returned to the area where the debris had fallen from the truck and had parked on the shoulder on the outside lane of the road.

Longo exited the vehicle and had crossed over to the left lane shoulder and was attempting to retrieve the items from the roadway when she was struck by an unknown, dark colored semi-tractor trailer rig that was “traveling in tandem” with another commercial truck.

According to the KHP report the truck that struck Lingo traveled left of center and drifted onto the left should before impact.

Longo was pronouced dead at the scene and her body was identified by her husband before being transferred to the Wasinger-Kethley Funeral Home in Hays, Kansas.

Dennis McCaslin has been a longtime news and sports reporter for several media outlets in the Fort Smith area. He has also been a well known radio personality and play-by-play announcer for several years prior to joining InsideFortSmith.Com. He is the voice of the ArklahomaSports High School Game of the Week. E-mail: [email protected]

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