
Details limited on body discovery; announcement imminent

At least three independent sources have identified the name of the person whose body as found on Vache Grasse Creek in Sebastian County.

At least three independent sources have identified the name of the person whose body as found on Vache Grasse Creek in Sebastian County but the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Office said it will later this afternoon before they make a formal announcement.

“We will coordinate with the Lavaca Police Department and have that information ready to release to the public later this afternoon,” SCSO investigator and public information officer Phillip Pevehouse told Inside Fort Smith.

According to three sources that knew the victim, he is a male who has been missing from the Lavaca area four approximately two weeks. The man is thought to be a resident of Paris, according to the sources.

Fishermen on the Arkansas River spotted the body on Vache Grasse Creek Tuesday afternoon and the body was recovered after the Sebastian County Sheriff Office responded just after 6 PM.

The body has been sent to the Arkansas Crime Lab in Little Rock and the investigation is ongoing.

Dennis McCaslin has been a longtime news and sports reporter for several media outlets in the Fort Smith area. He has also been a well known radio personality and play-by-play announcer for several years prior to joining InsideFortSmith.Com. He is the voice of the ArklahomaSports High School Game of the Week. E-mail: [email protected]

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