Board of Directors in study session on spending plans


The Fort Smith Board of directors have a study session scheduled for Tuesday, at which time they will consider proposed five year plans for streets, bridges and associated drainage, usage of the 1/8% sales and use tax for parks and recreation, water systems, maintenance and improvements and wastewater systems, maintenance.

The study session is scheduled to start at noon in the Fort Smith Public Library Community Room at 3201 Rogers Avenue.

In all, the study session will be focused on expenditures across the board of $252,355,460 in all of the categories for the five year span. The BOD will be considering total spending commitment (based on the current population) of $2,863.34 for every man, woman and child in the city or $572.68 per year per person.

The entire proposal, including all of the projects, details and projected costs can be accessed HERE.

The document lists the breakdown for each CIP proposal including charts, diagrams and maps as well of illustrations of the proposed street and park improvements.

The proposed program for streets, bridges and associated drainage, as approved by the Streets, Bridges and Associated Drainage Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Advisory Committee at their September 28th meeting includes a combination of neighborhood street improvements, major street projects, local and basin wide drainage improvements, and intersection/traffic signal improvements.

The program totals $29.9 million for the year 2018 and $133 million for the five year period from 2018 to 2022.

The proposed CIP was presented to the Parks & Recreation Commission at their July 12, August 9, and September 13 meetings.

Significant discussion was had during the Commission Meetings,and the proposed budget for 2018 and 2019 totals $2,959,680 and $2,646,820 respectively for those two years. The five year total for parks and recreation to be considered is $12,955,460.

The 2018 water CIP contains a total of 16 projects valued at $6,000,000.. The projects on the list will maintain existing water distribution facilities and upgrade or replace undersized or old and hard to maintain pump stations. adding in the remaining four years of the five year plan, expenditures in the water CIP have been penciled in at $106,400,000.


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