The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center September 21st - September 23rd, 2018. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Albritton, Juanita- Contempt of Court (Child Support)
Austin, Clarissa- Failure to Pay Fine
Bahr, Donna- Theft of Property Less Than 1k, Fleeing on Foot (MISD), Criminal Trespass, Failure to Appear (MISD)
Bailey, Jeffrey- Petition to Revoke (FELONY)
Barr, Bobbie- Failure to Pay Fine
Bohn, Austin- Public Intoxication
Bray, Darrel- Third Degree Domestic Battering
Burcham, Justin- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Carr, Lori- ADC Commitment Hold
Cole, Damone- Possession of Schedule I-II Controlled Substance Less than 2g (FELONY), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Failure to Pay Fine
Cooksey, Jasmine- Failure to Pay Fine
Davidson, Shannon- Theft of Property More than 1K, Criminal Trespass, Possession of Drug Parapernalia, Possession of Schedule I-II Controlled Substance Less Than 2g (FELONY), Parole Violation
Del Rio, Manuel- Public Intoxication
Desormeaux, Brandon- Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance Less than 4oz, DUI (Boat, 1st Offense, Underage), Driving Left of Center, Improper Lane Change
Dow, Joshua- Aggravated Assault on a Family or Household Member (Choke), 1st Degree Interfering with Emergency Communications (MISD)
Finch, Bruce- Failure to Pay Fine
Flad, Nathaniel- Failure to Appear
Garcia, Halli- Failure to Appear (FELONY)
Goff, Randall- Failure to Pay Fine
Gregory, Dusty- DWI (1st Offense), Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test (ADULT)
Kaehey, Raechael- Mantaining a Premises for Drug Activity, Delivery of Schedule I-II Controlled Substance Less than 2g
Landry, Heidi- Fugitive from Justice (Out of State)
Markcum, Tori- Failure to Pay Fine
Martin, Linda- Public Intoxication
McKee, Angela- Drug Court Sanctions
McReynolds, Cara- Failure to Pay Fine
Monterrosa, Jovani- Speeding Over Posted Limit
Mulson, Kaitlyn- Failure to Pay Fine, Contempt of Court (Child Support)
Pearl, Shawn- Third Degree Domestic Battering
Reed, Jason- Failure to Pay Fine
Rico-Gonzalez, Jose- Third Degree Domestic Battering, Obstructing Governmental Operations
Roberts, Terry- Failure to Pay Fine
Robertson, Terry- DWI (3rd Offense)
Robinson, Roger- Failure to Pay Fine
Sanders, Trent- Public Intoxication
Sellers-Pixley, Angela- Failure to Pay Fine, Assist Outside Agency (FELONY)
Sly, Kyle- Breaking or Entering, Fleeing on Foot
South, Irene- Failure to Pay Fine, Public Intoxication
Stafford, Van- Failure to Pay Fine, Petition to Revoke (MISD), Theft of Property by Deception (MISD), Possessing Instrument of a Crime
Stephens, Joni- Criminal Trespass
Tunnell, Ashli- Failure to Pay Fine
Vann, Brett- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Villianueva, Christian- DWI (1st Offense), Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test (ADULT)
Webster, Jason- Failure to Pay Fine
Weir, Kevin- Failure to Pay Fine
Wilkerson, Joshua- Failure to Pay Fine
Williams, Thomas- Failure to Appear (MISD), Possession of a Schedule I-II Controlled Substance Less than 2g (FELONY), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Parole Violation