The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on Nov 6th, 2018. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Adkins, Alaina- Public Intoxication, Assist Outside Agency (FELONY)
Avinger, James- ADC Commitment Hold
Basham, Stephen- Failure to Pay Fine
Baucom, Chistopher- Failure to Appear
Boudin, Quila- Failure to Pay Fine
Bruesch, John- Failure to Appear
Burcham, Chistene- Failure to Appear 3x
Chavez, Manuel- Petition to Revoke (FELONY)
Cowan, Brian- Failure to Appear
Cowles, Jodi- Assist Outside Agency (FELONY), Failure to Pay Fine
Giles, Daniel- Theft of Property Over 5K, Hold for U.S. Marshal
Haston, Cody- Failure to Pay Fine 2x, ADC Commitment Hold
Hemphill, Steven- 3rd Degree Assault on a Family or Household Member
Henry, Noah- Public Intoxication
Mars, Jason- Absconding, Parole Violation
May, Dennis- Public Intoxication
McAlister, Brooke- Failure to Pay Fine 2x
McLaughlin, Christine- Petition to Revoke (FELONY), Possessing an Instrument of a Crime 2x, Possession of a Schdeule VI Controlled Substance Less than 4oz, Parole Violation
Owens, Subican- Failure to Appear 2x, Failure to Pay Fine, Assist Outside Agency (MISD)
Posey, Nicolas- ACT 570
Releford, Timothy- Drug Court Sanctions
Ross, Michael- Possession of Schedule I-II Controlled Substance 2-28g (Inmate)
Smith, Romaris- Theft of Property More than 5K, Hold for US Marshal
Spencer, Steven- Failure to Pay Fine
Starr, Michael- Failure to Appear, ADC Commitment Hold
Sylva, Tre’sure- Failure to Pay a Fine, Parole Violation, Absconding, ACT 570