The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on January 18th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Adam Remer Castner - Parole Violation
Christopher Joe Manes - Drug Court Sanctions
Christopher Lee Garcia - Delivery of Controlled Substance, Aggravated Assault, Possession of Firearm by Certain Persons, Fleeing, Petition to Revoke, Failure to Appear
Ernest Boyd - Theft of Property, Burlary, Failure to Appear, Parole Violation
Heath Bradley Smith - Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine
Jackie Don Ensey - ADC Commitment Hold
Jarvis Orlando Clardy - Criminal Trespassing
Jeffrey Markus Warner - Fail to Pay Fine
John Wesley Jones - Fail to Pay Fine
Jose JC Campos-Albarran - ICE Hold
Joseph Carl Lasiter - Assist Outside Agency
Keith Ferrill Tabor - Failure to Appear
Larry Eugene Payton - Failure to Appear, Failure to Comply with Court Order, Absconding, Parole Violation, Contempt
Logan Wayne Stallings - Public Intoxication
Michael J Mars - Parole Violation, Failure to Register as a Sex Offender
Randall Ray Butler - Failure to Appear
Randy Thomas Hill - Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear
Rebekah Faith Jett - Failure to Appear
Stephen Drew Lewallen - Failure to Comply with Court Order
Tamara Evelyn Ochoa - Fraudulent Use of A Credit Card or Account Numbers
Terry Lee Walker - Failure to Comply with Court Order, Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear