The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on Dec. 13th, 2018. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Barron, Stephon- ADC Commitment Hold
Beeler, Mary- First Degree Terroristic Threatening x2
Brewer, Michael- Failure to Appear
Carr, Kaitlyn- 2nd Degree Criminal Mischief
Church, Caylinn- Theft of Property Less than 1K
Diggs, Jarvis- Theft of Property Less than 1K, Second Degree Battery (Less than 12 years of age or More than 60 years of age)
Dobbins, Zachary- Failure to Pay Fine
Dooley, Miranda- Theft of Property Less than 1K
Edwards, Jeffrey- Parole Violation, Assist Outside Agency (MISD)
Ellis, Michael- Contempt of Court (Child Support)
Gibbs, Wanda- DWI (1st Offense), Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test (adult)
Gramlich, Tray- Possession of Methamphetamine Less than 2g, Second Degree Criminal Mischief, Failure to Appear, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Maintaining a Premises for Drug Activity, Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance with the Purpose to Deliver Less than 14g, Assist Outside Agency (MISD)
Griffin, Matthew- Contempt of Court (Child Support)
Harrison, Anthony- ADC Commitment Hold
Horine, Adam- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Kukla, Jacqueline- Failure to Appear x2, Failure to Pay Fine
Lamb, Russell- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Lethiot, Kaitlen- Parole Violation, Absconding, Assist Outside Agency (FELONY)
Majors, Miranda- Petition to Revoke (MISD)
McAnelly, Christopher- Failure to Appear (MISD) x2, Theft of Property Less than 1K
McNees, Bill- Harassment
Parker, James- Contempt of Court (Child Support)
Ridenour, Terry- Petition to Revoke (FELONY)
Royce, Serenity- DWI (1st Offense)
Ruth, Christopher- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Singletary, Bobby- Parole Violation, Absconding
Smith, Jason- Theft of Property Less than 1K
Spurlin, Shanoah- Petition to Revoke (MISD), First Degree Terrroristic Threatening
Stanbrough, Jeffery- Hold for US Marshal
Taylor, Darrell- First Degree Terroristic Threatening, Criminal Trespass
Varner, James- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Vasquez-Majano, Oscar- ICE Hold
Vineyard, Richard- Possession of Methamphetamine with the Purpose to Deliver Less than 2g, Parole Violation, Possession of Paraphernalia x3, Maintaining a Premises For Drug Activity, Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance with the Purpose to Deliver Less than 14g