FAYETTEVILLE - Head Coach Mike Anderson has given his official thoughts on the upcoming basketball season. Meeting with members of the media Wednesday afternoon, Anderson covered everything from his predictions on his team, to what he watches on television.

“We certainly have a lot of experience coming back.” Anderson said as he opened the press conference. “Six guys that are seniors, then you also have some new parts to it as well. As soon as we get those new guys to mesh with the older guys, we have the chance to have a special team. I really believe that.”

Anderson said the Red-White game was something he didn’t put a lot into, but he did say he could see some possibilities from the game he watched Friday night.

“We kind of zero in now on how we want to play, and who the guys are that are going to be playing.” Anderson said. “We can see guys under the lights, cameras, and the action.”

The Hogs will play the University of Central Oklahoma in an exhibition game Friday night at 7:00, on the floor of Bud Walton Arena.

You can watch the complete press conference by clicking on the video link above.


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Grant Merrill is the Publisher of InsideFortSmith.Com, and owner of parent company Great Plains Digital Media. Prior to jumping into the digital world, he was a longtime sports talk show host on stations across Arkansas. E-Mail: [email protected]


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