All the Lost Girls: Ebby Jane Steppach

Ebby Jane Steppach

Ebby Jane Steppach was last seen in Little Rock, Arkansas, on October 24, 2015.

Steppach was 18 years old, and as most kids her age, she longed for the freedom to make her own decisions. In order to make that dream a reality, Steppach moved out of her parents’ home and in with her brother.

On the morning of her disappearance, Steppach was at her brother’s home and then went to visit her grandmother in west Little Rock.

Steppach’s stepfather was scheduled to meet her there, but when he arrived she was already gone.

The next day, October 25, Steppach called her brother and spoke to him for approximately four minutes. According to reports, Steppach sounded disoriented during the conversation and states that she was lost. Steppach refused to say where she was or who she was with at the time.

Steppach has never been seen or heard from again.

Days after her disappearance, Steppach’s silver 2003 Volkswagen Passat with the license plate number 137UFM, along with her cell phone, contact lenses and other belongings, were found off of Chenal Parkway in west Little Rock.

At the time of her disappearance, Steppach was a senior at Central High School. She had previously attended Little Scholars of Arkansas (LISA) Academy — a charter school that focuses on math science, engineering and computer technology.

Steppach’s family fears she may have become the victim of human trafficking.

A $50,000 reward for information leading to Steppach’s whereabouts is being offered by her family.

Steppach was described as having blond hair, hazel eyes, weighing 110 pounds and standing 5 feet 2 inches tall.

Anyone with information about Ebby Jane Steppach can call the Little Rock Police Department Major Crimes Unit at 501-371-4660 or email [email protected].


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