The following persons were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on May 29th-31st, 2020. All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All booking photos and charge descriptions are public information and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Acuff, Terry- Disorderly Conduct
Assesley, Justin- Failure to Appear (FELONY), Failure to Appear (MISD) X2
Austin, Texas- First Degree Criminal Mischief
Batista, Heli- DWI (1st Offense), Speeding Over Posted Limit
Beltrami, Mariah- Contempt of Court
Black, Benjamin- Petition to Revoke (FELONY)
Chavez-Rodriguez, Simon- Petition to Revoke (FELONY), Failure to Pay Fine, Possession of Paraphernalia
Cole, Darius- Third Degree Domestic Battering (Second Offense)
Cordero, Martha- DWI (2nd Offense)
Drewry, Stacey- Aggravated Assault on Family or Household Member
Dykes, Jeremy- Absconding, Parole Violation, ACT 570
Ellingburg, Robert- Second Degree Criminal Mischief, Aggaravated Assault on a Family or Household Member, Petition to Revoke (FELONY)
Evans, Kevin- Aggravaed Residential Burglary, Second Degree Battery, Third Degree Battery, Violation of a Protection Order (FELONY)
Fernandez, Victor- Possession of Schedule IV-V Controlled Substance (MISD)
Flanagan, Joshua- Third Degree Domestic Battering, Failure to Pay Fine, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Goff, Randall- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X2, Deliver of Schedule I-II Controlled Substance, Parole Violation
Griffin, David- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Howe, Crystal- Theft of Property (Less than 1K)
Jackson, Mary- Possession of Schedule IV-V Controlled Substance (MISD), Possession of Schedule I-II Controlled Substance (FELONY)
Jones, Keelie- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Keahey, Mary- Third Degree Assault on Family or Household Member
Kite, April- DWI (1st Offense)
Mauck, Jesse- Failure to Pay Fine, Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance (MISD)
McKnight, Samuel- Petition to Revoke (MISD)
Medford, Shelby- Third Degree Assault on Family or Household Member
Meyer, Jeffrey- Third Degree Assault on Family or Household Member, Public Intoxication
Mingo, Tija- Aggravated Assault, Failure to Appear (MISD)
Moody, Jacob- Failure to Pay Fine, Assist Outside Agency (MISD)
Mooneyhan, Carter- DWI (1st Offense), Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test, Reckless Driving (1st Offense)
Moreton, Margaret- DWI (1st Offense)
Muack, Cassie- Failure to Pay Fine
Nelke, Erica- Faiure to Appear (MISD), First Degree Endangering the Welfare of a Minor, Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance, Public Intoxication
Parker, Kathleen- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, DWI (1st Offense), Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test
Parks, Dayechelle- Disorderly Conduct
Peiffer, Thomas- Petition to Revoke (FELONY)
Saber, Guy- Theft of Property Less than 1K, Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance, Failure to Appear (MISD)
Sharp, Justin- Rape (Less than 14)
Sill, Guy- Failure to Appear (MISD) X2
Simmons, Fred- Public Intoxication, Criminal Trespass
Sparkman, Megan- Failure to Pay Fine X2
Steffen, Fallon- Contempt of Court
Taylor, Roy- Absconding, Parole Violation, Assist Outside Agency (MISD)
Turnbough, Joseph- Petition to Revoke (FELONY), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Failure to Appear (MISD)
Ware, Jerrid- Aggravated Assault on Family or Household Member
Watson, Chad- Third Degree Domestic Battering
Weddle, Austin- Fugitive from Justice (Out of State)
Wertheimer, Matthew- Aggravated Assault on a Family or Household Member
Williams, Isabelle- Fugitive from Justice (Out of State)
Willis, Salih- Aggravated Assault on Family or Household Member, Parole Violation, Absconding
Wilson, Galan- Parole Violation, Absconding, Assist Outside Agency (FELONY)
Youngblood, Cashedera- Theft of Propety (More than 1K), Petition to Revoke (MISD), Failure to Pay Fine, Theft of Property Less than 1K
Beckham, Ethanael- Assist Outside Agency (FELONY), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Fleeing (On Foot), Refusal to Submit to Arrest (MISD)
Boyd, Thomas- Second Degree Sexual Assault
Smith, Robert- Failure to Appear (FELONY)
Soloman, Stephen- DWI (2nd Offense), Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance, Fleeing
Stevens, Darryl- Driving While License Cancelled or Suspended or Revoked