The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on April 8th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
- Alexis Thurby - DWI I
- Ashley Stafford - Petition To Revoke
- Austin Payton - DWI
- Clayton Carter - Failure To Appear
- Corey Whitney - Possession of Controlled Substance
- Dalton Shipp - Possession of Controlled Substance
- David Hood - Failure To Pay Fine
- Erik Khonesevanh - Theft of Property, Fleeing
- James Smith - Theft of Property
- Jeffery Lee - Failure To Pay Fine
- Jennifer Schmidt - Domestic Battery
- Jeremy Stockton - Public Intoxication
- Julio Salas - Theft of Property, Fleeing, Multiple Charges
- Linda Catalone - DWI, Refusal To Submit To Chemical Test
- Megan Moore - Contempt Of Court
- Roy Taylor - Parole Violation
- Sabrina Dover - Theft of Property
- Sonny Harper - Failure To Appear
- Stephen Flynn - Failure To Answer Summons, Parole Violation
- Taniko Tyson - Theft By Receiving
- Taylor Patterson - Public Intoxication
- Terence Powell - Obstructing Governmental Operations
- Tyler Schmidt - Domestic Battery
- Zach Grimes - Criminal Trespassing
- Zachary Schluterman - Failure To Pay Fine
