The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on March 22nd. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
(Today’s listings may not represent a complete account of yesterday’s jail activity as some listings on the website did not include a photo)
- Adam Wayne Nelson - Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver
- Ashley Dawn Gentry - Failure to Appear, Contempt of Court, Fail to Pay Fine, Possession of Controlled Sustance, Possession Drug Paraphernalia
- Cortlan Devari Parson - Assist Outside Agency
- Dakota Wayne Moudy - Failure to Appear
- Fred Lee Bohlman - Failure to Appear
- John Randolph Bruesch - Failure to Appear
- Johnna Nicole Smothers - Failure to Appear
- Joseph Thomas Hansen - ADC Commitment Hold
- Juanita Jo Sanders - Failure to Appear
- Kevin David Salguero - Failure to Comply with Court Order
- Laroy Jenmaine Roussell - ADC Commitment Hold
- Mark Daniel Justice - Assist Outside Agency
- Miranda Lelynne Putman - Possession of Controlled substance
- Paul Alford Risinger - Assist Outside Agency, Violation of Hot Check Law
- Robert Dean Catalone - Petiton to Revoke =, Burglary, Battery 3rd Degree
- Rodney Frank Shires - Petition to Revoke, Fail to Pay Fine
- Tabitha Lea Crisp - Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Delivery of Controlled Substance, Parole Violation, Forgery 2nd Degree 5 Counts, Failure to Appear
- Timothy Cody Jaskson - Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession Drug Paraphernalia
