The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on March 15th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
- Amanda Jill Nolan - Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Possession of Controlled Substance, Fail to Pay Fine
- Amber Nicole Helton - Possession of Controlled Substance
- Andrea Leigh Brisher - Possession Drug Paraphernalia 2 Counts, Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver
- Anothony Maurice Carter - Assist Outside Agency
- Anthony Brian Yandell - Forgery 2nd Degree
- Ashley Jewell Wagner - Failure to Appear, Parole Violation
- Bradley Eddison Hopewell - Fail to Pay Fine
- Brenden Lucas Willsey - Theft of Property, Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession Drug Paraphernalia
- Cassandra Dawn Robbins - Petition to Revoke
- Charles Dustin Whiley - Theft of Property
- Dwight Alan Smith - Public Intoxication, Failure to Appear
- Frank Lamont Taylor - Domestic Battery 3rd Degree, Domestic Battery 2nd Degree
- Frankie Lynette Brown - Parole Violation, Delivery of Controlled Substance
- Glennell D Brasuell - Fail to Pay Fine
- Jamie Leigh Pike - Possession of Controlle Substance
- Jayvin Emanuel Carter - Petition to Show Cause
- Jessica Cortez - Fail to Pay Fine
- Jimmie Ray Walker - Contempt of Court
- Joshua Alexander Mooring - Fail to Pay Fine, Assist Outside Agency
- Joshua Marlon McClendon - ADC Commitment Hold
- Julie Ann Reyna - Fail to Pay Fine
- Kayle Hope Thompson - DWI I
- Lawrence Wayne Crossno - Petition to Revoke
- Michael James Franks - Fail to Pay Fine
- Mickey Ray Kyles - Failure to Appear
- Nicholas Reyna - Fail to Pay Fine
- Paul William Siegfriend - ADC Commitment Hold
- Rebecca Lynn Anderson - Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear
- Richard James Vineyard - Parole Violation, Delivery of Controlled Substance
- Robert Charles Ludwick - Failure to Appear
- Roger Ray Henry - Failure to Appear
- Sean James Horne - Theft of Property, Battery 3rd Degree
- Sergio Jarmar Haynes - Parole Violation, Domestic Battery 3rd Degree
- Shanna Michelle Bissell - Theft of Property
- Shawn Shelton Cumbie - ADC Commitment Hold
- Shelby Leight Kahanek - Assist Outside Agency
- Tanya Michelle Copeland - Contempt of Court
- Terri Nicole Kazy - Drug Court Sanctions
- Thomas Ross Carter - FTA Warrant, Parole Violation
- Tyler Wayne Lamberson - Failure to Appear
