The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on March 14th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
- Arnold Carlos Cook - Failure to Appear, Failure to Answer Summons
- Ashley Lyn Davis - Failure to Appear, Theft of Property, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Endangering the Welfare of a Minor
- Billy Jay Addington - DWI I, Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test
- Bryan McBroom - Fugitive from Justice Out of State
- Casey Jo Bryant - Possession of Controlled Substance, Petition to Revoke
- Chittaphone Pao Sayavong - Violation of a Protection Order
- Christopher Lee Latimer - Fail to Pay fIne
- Christopher Neal Hamer - Fail to Pay Fine
- Christopher Wayne Lindsy - Burglary - Commerical, Breaking or Entering, Parole Violation
- Craig Allen McDowell - ADC Commitment Hold
- Crystal Sue Han - Fail to Pay Fine, Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession Drug Paraphernalia
- Dana Ann Thomas - Failure to Appear
- Diamondnique Desiree Mays - Fail to Pay Fine
- Elizabeth Jade Roberts - Failure to Appear
- Elliott Emmanuel Bailey - Petition to Revoke, ADC Commitment Hold
- Jeffery Clifton - Fail to Pay Fine
- Kevin Leroy Gilliam ADC Commitment
- Kevin Ray Gibbs - Public Intoxication
- Laura Elaine Gavina - Fail to Pay Fine
- Madison Layne Gritus - Theft of Property
- Nicholas Joseph Bontemps - Endangering the Welfare of a Minor, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Possession of Controlled Substance with INtent to Deliver,
- Randal Stephan Reed - Parole Violation, Theft of Property, Unlawful Removal of Theft device
- Rodney Delbert Reese - Assist Outside Agency
- Rodney Lavine Gist - Petition to Revoke, Possession Meth
- Ronnie Joe Cunningham - Fail to Pay Fine
- Shantel Elaine Cleaver - Failure to Appear
- Terrance Marcel Williams - Petition to Revoke
- Wanda Lynn Swimmer - Failure to Appear
