The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on March 13th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
- Aaron Ray Malenshek - Unlawful Transport of Stolen Property to a Pawn Shop
- Blaise Zachary Warrick - Drug Court Sanctions
- Chance Andrew Gann - Failure to Appear
- Christopher Jermaine Johnson - ADC Commitment Hold
- Cody Deleon Canipe - Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Comply with Court Order, Fail to Pay Fine
- Derrick Manard Perry - Assist Outside Agency, Return to Testify
- Destiney Shante McReynolds - Petition to Revoke, Failure to Comply with Court Order, Fail to Pay Fine
- Diana Regalado Regala - Possessing Instrument of a Crime
- Douglas Mark McAllister - Fail to Pay Fine
- Dustin Dale Limbocker - ADC Commitment Hold
- Frankie Eugene Wilkerson - ADC Commitment Hold
- Gary Patrick Jones - Public Intoxication, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Parole Violation, Assist Outside Agency
- Gary Patrick Scott - Burglary Commercial Felony, Petition to Revoke, Theft by Recieving, Parole Violation
- James Farrell Pritchard - Obstructing Governmental Operations, Theft by Recieving, Parole Violation
- James Lewis Richardson - Parole Violation
- Jeffery Caldwell Russell - ADC Commitment Hold
- Jennifer Dawn Glidwell - Failure to Appear
- Jerry Parrish - Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, DWI I
- John David Peters - Fail to Pay Fine
- John Gerold Bonds - Burglary, Fleeing Midemeanor, Carryinga Weapon, Possession of Controlled Substance
- Juanette Carole Nichols - Aggravated Assault on a Family Member
- Justin Allen Gregory - ACT 570
- Kamille Whiting - Fail to Pay Fine
- Keith Jeffrey White - Aggravated Assault on a Family Member
- Keri Lyn Gray - Possession of Controlled Substance, DWI I
- Kevin Curtis Neal - Failure to Appear
- Lucretia Davida Adcock - Violation of Hot Check Law, Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Parole Violation
- Margie Lee Ritchie - ACT 570
- Mariah Beth ODonnell - Public Intoxication, Fail to Pay Fine
- Marilyn M Morris - Violation of Hot Check Law
- Matthew Allen Forrest - Theft by Recieving, Robbery, Assist Outside Agency, Return to Testify
- Michael Andre Scamardo - Public Intoxication, Criminal Trespassing, Failure to Appear
- Michael Elmer Cosgrove - Petition to Revoke
- Michael Kevin McBride - Possession of Controlled Substance
- Natasha McReynolds - Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine
- Amy Keoslevsack - Failure to Appear
- Ryan Thomas Wheeler - Fail to Pay Fine
- Subician Owens - Failure to Appear
- Theron Lee Hall - Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession Drug Paraphernalia
- Trenton Ray Vines - Failure to Appear
- Tyler Tracy Ruckman - Violation of the Hot Check Law
