UPDATE: The man who left the cash behind has apparently been located.
“I have received a phone call from the owner and he will be coming to pick up the money in a little while.” said VBPD Evidence Clerk Christy Davidson. “Thank you for all the shares and tags! I’m surprised at how many gentlemen favor this individual.”
VAN BUREN - The customer of an area business apparently left some cash behind, and now the Van Buren Police Department is trying to find him - just to give it back.
“The cash was recently left at a local retail store accidentally. It appears that the person in the photo was the one who forgot the cash.” the Department said on Tuesday. “If that person could please contact Christy in the Evidence Room at 479-471-5022 or come by during office hours in person. Otherwise, if someone can identify this person and he has the proper store location, date and amount of the cash, we will return the money to him.”
If you know the person pictured, call the same contact at the number listed above.