Back in April, Inside Fort Smith reported on a promise that Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson made to the grandmother of a Fort Smith man to bring her to the premiere of her latest movie and “party with” the 72-year old “Grandma Geraldine.”
Johansson had reached out to Geraldine after Denver Dodd posted a picture of “Grandma,” which he found as he was going through old scrapbooks shortly after his grandfather’s death, because he thought Geraldine (era 1967) bore a striking resemblance to the actress.
Geraldine had told Dodd when he found the picture that it was taken at Cain’s Ballroom in Tulsa and “she was drunk as a skunk” when the snapshot was made.
After Dodd posted the picture, it quickly exploded on the internet and wound up with over 2 million views. In the comments, Dodd had also mentioned Geraldine’s quote about being drunk
Due to the popularity of the photo, Johansson caught wind of it and checked the picture out. The actress was stunned, and recorded her thoughts on a video she sent to Dodd
“Holy crap,” Johansson said in the video, right before she invited Geraldine to the premiere of her upcoming comedy, “Rough Night,” so the two could party together.
“I saw that you were, quote, ‘drunk as a skunk’ when taking that photo. And I would like to see your drunk face, I want to share a drunk face with you,” Johansson said.
In the video, Johansson also offered to pay for all Geraldine’s expenses in order to get her to the premiere
Geraldine agreed to meet up with Johansson at the premiere of the film and they had plenty of fun together after the event. Johansson officially got wasted with her doppelgänger at the premiere of “Rough Night,” she told Stephen Colbert Friday night on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”
Referring to the lady in question as “Grandma Geraldine,” Johansson said she doesn’t have any social media presence, but after the image of Dodd’s grandma went viral on Reddit, she was pointed to that post and was totally amazed at the likeness.
The photo was taken when Geraldine was 22 and she looked exactly like Scarlett. Johansson said the photo looked just like her from the film “Lucy” and that Geraldine was totally wasted in the picture.
Johansson went on to say Geraldine was very nice and they had so much fun together. She told Colbert that Geraldine could really party.
Geraldine’s granddaughter owns a bar in Arkansas and Scarlett says she will one day make her way to the Natural State to continue the party.