Garcia of Springdale was arrested by the Immigration an Cusoms Services and detained as an ICE hold with no bond.
Kevin Bull
Bull of Van Buren remained jailed on a no bond hold for felony possession or a controlled or counterfeit substance with intent to deliver, PDP W/P meth-coke, maintaining premises for drug sales, absconding and a parole violation.
Glidewell of Fort Smith would need $36,015 in cash and legally sufficient bonds if she wasn’t being also held on two no bond holds. Arrested by the Fort Smith Police Department, Glidewell faces two felony possession of controlled or counterfeit substance - schedule 1/11 and schedule VI-marijuana, a pair of possession with intent to delivery on both substances, two counts of maintaining a premises for drug sales, simultaneous possession of drugs and firearms, PDP W/P meth-coke, failure to a appear and failure to pay fines.
Johnson of Hackett was arrested by the Hackett Police Department fo felony possession of drug paraphernalia and surrendered off a bond and remained jailed on $7,500 in legally sufficient bonds.
Khamphouth Troy Keosleumsack
Keosleumsack of Fort Smith bonded out on a $25,000 signature bond off a petition to revoke. he had been in custody since May 16.
Lee of Barling bonded out on $5,000 of legally sufficient bonds on maintaining a premises for drug sales, possession of drug paraphernalia and tampering with evidence, all felonies.
Magdalea Bozuidarova Mallard
Mallard of Fort Smith was arrested by the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Office on felony possession of drug paraphernalia and surrendered off a ind and was being held on $7,500 in legally sufficient bonds.
Landeta, of Fort Smith got put in jail on a misdemeanor DWI but remained inside on a no bond hold as an ICE hold for Immigration and Customs Services.
Spiro, Oklahoma resident Phillips was being detained on no bond after an arrest by the FSPD for felony possession of controlled or counterfeit substance-schedule I/II misdemeanor possession of marijuana and as a fugitive from another state.
Villanueeva of Fort Smith was arrested ffor felony possession of controlled or counterfeit substance-schedule I/II and remained in custody on a $1,500 legally sufficient bond.
Warnock of Van Buren was booked into jail as a two-day guest by the Arkansas Parole Board on an Act 570 Parole hold.