An even 10 individuals found themselves booked into the Sebastian County Adult Detention Center on various misdemeanor charges.
Coker of Fort Smith remained in custody at the Sebastian County Adult Detention Center on Sunday in lieu of $9,000 in legally sufficient bonds after an arrest on Saturday for felony possession of drug paraphernalia, felony possession of a controlled or counterfeit substance schedule I/II, and misdemeanor possession of marijuana.
Freeman of Fort Smith was arrested by the Arkansas State Police on a felony petition to revoke and remained in jail on a $1,500 cash bond.
Garrett of Fort Smith bonded out for $9,000 in legally sufficient bonds felony possession of drug paraphernalia, felony possession of a controlled or counterfeit substance schedule I/II, and felony possession of a controlled or counterfeit substance schedule IV/V.
Christopher C. Hoing
Greenwood resident Christopher Hoing remained in custody on Sunday on a no bond hold as a fugitive from out of state.
Daniel Iraburo
Iraburo of Fort Smith remained in custody on a half dozen charges including felony delivery of a controlled or counterfeit substance/methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia, two failure to appear charges and misdemeanor domestic battery and criminal impersonation.He remains on hold in lieu of $14, 750 in legally sufficient and cash bonds.
Landers of Fort Smith spent thhe night at the SCADC on a felony failure to appear, failure to pay fines and misdemeanor failure to appear. He was being held on $16,150 in legally sufficient and cash bonds.
Arrested by the FSPD, McKinney of Fort Smith remained behind bars on Sunday on the short side of $11.000 in legally sufficient bonds. He was charged with felony burglary, aggravated assault, criminal mischief on the first degree-$1,000 or more and misdemeanor criminal mischief -less than $1,000 charges.
Pence of Lavaca is facing three years incarceration after an arrest on two failure to comply with court order charges.
Webster of Fort Smith faces $1,425 in cash and to no bond holds for absconding, failure to pay fines and on a parole hold.
Mansfield resident Williams was arrested on a felony failure appear and for no motorcycle license or endorsement and remained in custody facing $5,000 in cash bonds.