Eight individuals found themselves jailed in Sebastian County on felony arrest or ICE holds on Thursday. Three other individuals had no booking information available at deadline.
Jason Edward Craig
Jason Craig of of Van Buren was being held on a no bond order as an assist to an outside agency.
Timothy Wayne Crain
Timothy Crain of Van Buren was jailed on Thursday and remained in custody as of Friday morning held on a no bond order on one of the four counts for which he was jailed. Crain was charged with felony criminal use of a weapon and possession of a firearm by certain persons and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and failure to appear.
Llesica Garcia-Nares
Garcia-Nares of Fort Smith was arrested by the Fort Smith Police Department and remained in custody in lieu of $12,500 in cash and legally sufficient bonds on five felony and two misdemeanor counts.
She was booked for possession of drug paraphernalia, simultaneous possession of drugs and firearms, maintaining a premises for drug sales, possession of controlled or counterfeit substance with intent to deliver-schedule I/ II, possession of controlled or counterfeit substance with intent to deliver-schedule VI (marijuana less than 4 oz), failure to appear, theft by receiving ($1,000 or less).
William Joe Patton
William Patton was arrested by the FSPD just after 8 a.m. Thursday and remained in custody overnight for failure to pay fines, as an assist to an outside agency and for a parole violation.
Talmadge Beigh Pendergrass
Talmedge Beigh of Mountain Home was on a no bond hold being held for the U.S. Marshal Service.
Tammie Renee Snow
Fort Smith resident Tammie Snow remained in custody overnight awaiting the posting of a $240 cash bond for felony failure to appear.
Timothy Timothy
Despite the alliterate American name, Timothy Timothy of Springdale was jailed on Thursday on no bond and awaited transfer to Immigration an Naturalization Services as an ICE hold.
Cesar Vega-Ortiz
Roger’s temporary resident Vega-Ortiz also remained in jail on an ICE hold on Friday.