Allison, Brian S. — Fort Smith — State felony — As of 8 a.m. Tuesday morning no other booking or bond information was available
Allison, James Dean — Fort Smith — State felony — As of 8 a.m. Tuesday morning no other booking or bond information was available
Gaines, Robert Gene — Fort Smith -FSPD-Absconding, parole violation — no bond
Gaithe, David Alan — Van Buren — FSPD — Assisting outside agency — no bomd
Jenkins, Amy Rosetta — Fort Smith — FSPD — felony petition to revoke — $1,500 signature bond
Latimer, Christopher Lee — Fort Smith, Arkansas Parole -Act 570 parolee-jail time (2 days)
Pyles, Jesse Wayne — Barling — Arkansas Parole — Act 570 probationer — jail time (2 days)
Sharp, Jackie Lee — Fort Smith- FSPD — Delivery of a controlled or counterfeit substance — marijuana- released on $10,000 signature bond
Smith, Samuel Bradley — Midland, Texas — FSPD — Assisting outside agency — no bond
Sousa, Marty Jay — Fort Smth — FSPD — Possession of controlled or counterfeit substance (X2), possession of drug paraphernalia — $4,000 legally sufficient bonds
Stogner, David Allen — Fort Smith — FSPD — Possession of drug paraphernalia, assisting outside agency — no bond