Eight individuals charged with various felony arrests were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on May 3.
All suspects are presumed innocent pending conviction or pleas before the court.
Darryl Wayne Beasey II
Thirty-five year old Darryl Beasley bonded out of the Sebastian County Adult Detention Center on Thursday after an arrest by the Fort Smith Police Department on felony Possession of Controlled or Counterfeit Substance and Possession Drug Paraphernalia.
Beasley posted a $3500 legally sufficient bond and faces a May 10 court date in Sebatian Cunty Circuit Court.
Rebekah Ann Khilling
Rebekah Khilling of Fort Smith posted a $7500 legally sufficient bond on Thursday after her arrest by the Fort Smith Police Department on 2nd Degree Felony Domestic Battery charges.
No court date had been set forr Khilling to answer to the state felony had been set as of 10 AM Friday morning.
Tony Michael Mata
TonyMata, 46, of Fort Smith remained in the custody of the SCADC on Friday morning on a $2,500 legally suficient bond after a Thursday arrest for felony Possession of Controlled or Counterfeit Substance and Possession Drug Paraphernalia. Mata was also on hold with no bond
for Assisting an Outside Agency.
Mata was booked into the detention Center at 9:30 PM on Thursday after his arrest by the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Office.
Heather Anne Kroner
Heather Kroner of Van Buren was being held in the SCADC on Friday after a Thursday arrest by the Fort Smith Police Department. Kroner faces a bevy of charges and remains incarcerated with a combination of legally sufficient and cash bonds totaling $12,500.
Kroner also violated the terms of her parole and is under a petition to revoke pending her May 8 appearance in court.
Kroner faces felony charges for Possession of Controlled or Counterfeit Substance w/ Intent to Deliver - Schedule VI / Marijuana, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Simultaneous Possession Of Drugs And Firearm, two counts of failure to appear, one count of misdemeanor prostitution, one count of failure to pay fine and two petitions to revoke.
Tiffini Adara Miles and Zachary David Miles
Fort Smith residents Tifini Miles and Zachary Miles were jailed on Thursday on four drug related felony counts, a charge of aggravated felony robbery and one charge of endangering the welfare of a minor after an arrest at 4:29 AM.
The couple are both being held on no bond for three of the charges.
Both are charged with Conspiracy to Deliver / Obtain a Controlled Substance, Possession of Controlled or Counterfeit Substance w/ Intent to Deliver - Schedule VI / Marijuana, Possession Drug Paraphernalia and Simultaneous Possession Of Drugs And Firearms as weell as the robbery and misdemenaor child endangerment counts.
A court date of May 10 has been set for both individuals.
Paul Franklin Pitchford
Paul Pitchford remained in custody on Friday facing $8200 in a combination of bonds on felony Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and failure to appear charges and misdemeanor counts of Possession of Controlled or Counterfeit Substance - Schedule VI / Marijuana (Less than 4 oz.) and Public Intoxication.
Pitchford, from Fort Smith, was arrested by the Fort Smith Police Department st 10:02 PM on Thursday and is scheduled for court on May 8 and 10.
Jason Lamonte Smith
Six separate dug charges resulted in a hold for Parole Violation for 39-year old Jason Smith who remaned in the Sebastian County Detention Center on Friday awaiting transfer to the Arkansas Department of Corrections.
Arrested by the Fort Smith Police Department on two felony counts of Delivery of Controlled or Counterfeit Substance - Schedule I/II , Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Possession Of Firearm By Certain Persons, Simultaneous Possession Of Drugs And Firearms and a misdemeanor count of Possession of Controlled or Counterfeit Substance - Schedule VI / Marijuana (less than 4 oz.), Smith is in violation of parole on previous drug charges.