The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on October 28th and 29th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Albert Baber - Failure To Appear (x2)
Alona Jordan - Obstructing Governmental Operations
Benito Arriaga - DWI I, Endangering Welfare Of A Minor
Billie Spencer - Domestic Battery
Bobby Murchison - Failure To Appear (x2)
Brandon Spaulding - Failure To Appear
Brittany Goodleaf - Failure To Pay Fine
Christopher Garibay - Failure To Pay Fine
Dillon Yandelll - Failure To Appear
Esque Chambers - Failure To Appear
Freddy Sosa - Assault On Family Or Household Member, Endangering Welfare Of A Minor
Isreal Lira-Guiterrez - Failure To Answer Summons
Jaime Martinez - DWI I, Obstructing Governmental Operations
John Bruesch - Public Intoxication
Jonathan Hardin - Petition To Revoke
Joseph Masters - Failure To Pay Fine
Joshua Taylor - Obstructing Governmental Operations
Justin Flynn - Delivery of Controlled Substance
Latonya Sagy - Failure To Pay Fine, Failure To Appear
Lonnie Nichols - Failure To Pay Fine
Malik Mitchell - Failure To Pay Fine
Mary Sue Perry - Forgery
Matthew Glass - DWI I, Minor In Possession
Micah Jackson - Failure To Pay Fine
Michael Simmons - Domestic Battery, Endangering Welfare Of A Minor
Mickie Ramsey - Fugitive From Justice
Peter Boutin - Theft Of Property, Criminal Trespass
Randy Beesley - Failure To Pay Fine (x2)
Robert Edwards - Failure To Pay Fine
Shawn Howard - Failure To Appear (x2)
Shumieka Releford - Failure To Pay Fine
Taneria Whitfield - Failure To Appear, Failure To Pay Fine