The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on May 15th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Amanda Dawn Grantham - Fail to Pay Fine
Angela Marie Evans - Public Intoxication, Loitering, Criminal Impersonation, Assist Outside Agency
Ann Maria Brown - Failure to Appearm Surrender Off Bond
Anthony Wayne Jones - Failure to Appear 2 Counts
Antonio Demarcus Landers - Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear
Billy Joel Garrett - Possession of Controlled Substance 2 Counts, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Brandon WIlson Green - ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify
Charles Steven Williams - Failure to Appear, No Motorcycle License
Christina Michelle Ibison - Failure to Appear 2 Counts
Christopher Grayson Bell - DWI I, Speeding 11-15 Over
Daniel Pete Sanchez - Battery, Burglary
Daniel Wade Weaver - Possession of Controlled Substance - Marijuana
Dennis Earl Dooley - Fail to Pay FIne, Harrassment, Petition to Revoke, Failure to Comply with Court Order, Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear 2 Counts
Derrick Manard Perry - Return to Testify, ADC Commitment Hold
Derrick O Clarke - Contempt- Failure to Pay Fine
Devorin Romell Covin - Failure to Appear
Gary Patrick Scott - ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify
Gerald B Williams - DWI I, Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test, Driving on Suspended License
James Lafrance Jenkins - Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear
James Olen Boitel - Fail to Pay Fine
Jeremy Ray Carr - Contempt- Failure to Pay Fine
Jessica Renee Hemry - Criminal Trespassing, Domestic Battery, Interfering with Emergency Communications, Failure to Appear
John E Goetz - DWI I
Joseph James Aldor - Failure to Appear
Katress Ann Williams - Disorderly Conduct
Kiana L Cook - Public Intoxication
Marcus OBrien Jackson - Contempt of Court
Marie Michelle Landrum - Possession of Controlled Substance
Mary Ann Eason - Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine
Matthew Gene Sharrah - Fail to Pay Fine
Matthew Lee Nofire - Assault on Family Member 2 Counts
Michael Frank Collier - Possession of Controlled Susbtance- Marijuana, Failure to Appear
Michael Lavar Moton - Public Intoxication, Loitering
Mikel Shawn Webster - Fail to Pay Fine, Absconding, Parole Violation
Monietha Sherenell Henderson - Fail to Pay Fine 2 Counts, Driving on Suspended License, No Liability Insurance
Octavio Gallegos - Criminal Mischief 1st Degree, Failure to Appear, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Pamela Denise Jenkins - Fail to Pay Fine
Parcita Lavone Freeman - Petition to Revoke
Paul Wayne Pixley - Possession of Controlled Substance, Driving on Suspended License
Reyes Torres Salazar - Return to Testify, ADC Commitment Hold, Failure to Appear
Robert Lee Deer - Failure to Appear
Ronald Eugene Dixon - Domestic Battery
Ronald Lee Mize - Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine
Tyler Wayne Spence - Failure to Appear 2 Counts
Zachariah Lee Coker - Possession of Controlled Substance - Marijuana, Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession Drug Paraphernalia