The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on May 15th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
- Amy Rosetta Jenkins - Theft of Property
- Andrew Jackson Russell - Failure to Appear
- Benito Jose Arriaga - Fail to Pay Fine
- Bobby Elijah Blase - Failure to Appear
- Brooke Alexandra Vaughn - Failure to Appear
- Christopher David Gish - Petition to Revoke
- Dale Virgil Roberts - Theft of Property, Battery, Aggravated Robbery, Fail to Pay Fine
- Daniel Lee Hicks - Failure to Appear, Possession of Controlled Substance, Obstructin Governmental Operations
- Dennis Daniel Douglas - Public Intoxication
- Donovan Dewayne Black - Fail to Pay Fine
- Jaala Jean Elliott - ACT 570 Parolee
- Jace Garin Chrisman - Petition to Revoke Bond
- Jimmy Joshua Morgan - Fail to Pay Fine
- Jordan Blake Farwell - Assist Outside Agency
- Jordan Wayne Tinsley - Fail to Pay Fine
- Kaylon E. Barnes - Possession Drug Paraphernlia, Possession of Controlled Substance
- Mandy K Batt - Failure to Appear
- Miguel Gregoory Smith - Domestic Battery
- Nakia Marcius Randle - Terroristic Threatening
- Nicole Taylor Standige - Theft of Property, Battery, Aggravated Robbery, Fail to Pay Fine
- Ruth Naomi Pennyman - Hindering Apprehension
- Sierra Promise Grant - Fail to Pay Fine
- Skylaire Jyames Pennyman - Failure to Appear, Absconding, Parole Violation, Fleeing Felony, Driving on Suspended License, Reckless Driving
- Stephen Hugh Peters - Fail to Pay Fine
- Tommy Justin Vickery - Contempt of Court
