The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on July 10th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Aelfred Allspach - Aggravated Assault
Amanda Kay Kemp - Failure to Appear, Fugitive from Justice Out of State
Angelyn Kaye Rogers - Breaking or Entering Acticles from Vehicles, Parole Violation
Benjamin Flores - Failure to Appear
Brandon Hamilton Gantt - Petition to Revoke, Failure to Appear, ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify
Brandon James Stevenson - Fail to Pay Fine
Caleb Ryan Brasher - Fail to Pay Fine
Chad Elliott Smith - Failure to Appear
Chase Anthony Ellison - ACT 570
Christina Marie Brake - Failure to Comply with Court Order, Fail to Pay Fine
Cilliam Herrera - Failure to Appear
Conor James Hicks - Petitiont to Revoke
Dabarious J Curry - Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Comply with Court Order, Failure to Appear
Darian Sherod Jones - Return to Testify, ADC Commitment Hold
Darrell Vance Taylor - Public Intoxication
David Marc Allison - Violation of Hot Check Law, Criminal Trespassing, Assist Outside Agency
Dillon Jacob Truitt - Petition to Revoke, ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify
Dustin Johnny Wood - Petition to Revoke
Eddie Allen Mosley - Public Intoxication 2 Counts
Erica Michelle Simpson - Theft of Property
Fatrell Smith - Fail to Pay Fine
Issac Daniel Ruiz - Petition to Revoke
James Farrall Pritchard - ADC Commitment, Return to Testify
Jason Robert Jones - Fail to Pay Fine, Assist Outside Agency
Jeffrey Allen Crosby - Failure to Appear
Jeremy Leon Russell - Fail to Pay Fine
Johnathan Curtis White - Petition to Revoke
Joe Dan Miesner - Return to Testify, ADC Commitment Hold
John David Cornett - Theft of Property 2 Counts
John Taylor - Return to Testify, ADC Commitment Hold
Jonathan Lee Cates - ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify
Jordan Matthew Dardar - Drug Court Sanctions
Julian Charles Mckinney - Return to Testify, ADC Commitment Hold
Landon Rae Johnston - Failure to Appear
Mariah Beth ODonnell - Public Intoxication
Mark McKusker - Parole Violation, Possession of Controlled Substance, Manufacturing Controlled Substance
Maxwell John Reynolds - Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine, ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify
Michael Thomas Pohl - ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify
Michael Wayner Norton - Theft of Property, Burglary, ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify