The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center between August 26th and 27th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Amanda Renee Pittman - Forgery
Anthony Garrett Steele - Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Comply with Court Order, Assist Outside Agency
Anthony Jermaine Jones - Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine
Anthony Thomas Flatt - Failure to Appear
Armando Ramirez - Fail to Pay Fine
Arune Tommy Thepvongsa - Driving Left of Center, DWI II
Brittany Nicole Fraser - DWI I
Bryant Rodell Cooper - Criminal Trespassing
Cario Demond Coney - Fail to Pay Fin
Carl Guy Lowther - Public Intoxication
Christian Geovanny Salguero - Fail to Pay Fine, Endangering the Welfare of a Minor, Discharge of a Firearm in City Limits
Christopher Lee Nolan - Parole Violation, Fleeing, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Burglary, Possession Controlled Substance, Criminal Mischeif, Fail to Pay Fine
Clarence Leonard Scott - Contempt of Court, Obstructing Governmental Operations, Contempt- Failure to Pay Fine, Public Intoxication
Cody Cameron Stiles - Fail to Pay Fine
Cody Conroy - Public Intoxication
Colton Wiley Miesner - Fail to Pay Fine
Cynthia Lynn Horton - Petition to Revoke
Dakota Nicholas Dewitt - Fail to Pay Fine
David Allen Laabs - Possession of a Controlled Substance, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Funishing Prohibited Articles
David Dean Thompson - Failure to Appear
David Wallace Goss - Fail to Pay Fine
Deborah Dubois - Assist Outside Agency
Derek Edward Rogers - Fail to Pay Fine, DWI I, Reckless Driving, No Motorcycle License, No Liability Insurance, Expired Vehicle License- Expired Tags
Elizabeth Marie Button - Fail to Pay Fine
Everett Leon Johnson - Public Intoxication, Fugitive from Justice Out of State
Franklin Victor Richardson - Public Intoxication
Gabriel M Carroll - Carrying a Weapon
Isabell Diana Dedmon - Minor In Possession, Roberry
Jacqueline Lee Kukla - Public Intoxication
Janet Marie Hopper - Robbery, Minor in Possession
Jesse Delrio - DWI I, Reckless Driving
Jesse Lee Blundel - Fail to Pay Fine, Public Intoxication
Jesse Wayne Pyles - Fail to Pay Fine, Fugitive from Justice Out of State, Surrender Off Bond
Jessie John Hillburn - Failure to Appear
Joedeanna Cathers - Failure to Appear
John Wesley Bynum - Public Intoxication
John Wetzel - DWI I
Joni Arlene Stephens - Fail to Pay Fine
Joseph A Frank - Petition to Revoke
Joshua Patrick Hendrix - Petition to Revoke, Return to Testify, ADC Commitment Hold
Justin James Dutton - Fleeing Misdemeanor
Justin Johnston - DWI I, Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test, Disobey Traffic Control
Kamelya Jones - Criminal Impersonation
Kenyon Devoan Warren - Fail to Pay Fine, Possession Meth, Possession Drug Paraphernalia
Keyshawn Dwayne Dorsey - Criminal Trespassing
Kimberly Ann Yother - DWI I
Laura Amanda Wallis - Failure to Appear, Parole Violation, ACS Absconding
Marc Douglas Fields - Possession of Controlled Substance, Petition to Revoke, Fail to Pay Fine
Mark Alan Balm - Domestic Battery
Mark Landon Owen - Failure to Appear
Marlin Vann Rogers - Failure to Appear
Marvin Lloyd Davis - Petition to Revoke
Matthew Alan Reiss - Failure to Appear
Matthew Daniel - Disorderly Conduct
Matthew James Cogburn - Contempt
Michael Anthony Hall - Fail to Pay Fine
Michael Cockran - Contempt of Court, DWI I
Michael Ray Higgs - Parole Violation, Absconding
Nathaniel Steven Flad - Aggravated Assault
Oscar Iraburo - Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Obstructing Governmental Operations, Fail tp Pay Fine
Paul Dewayne Conley - Failure to Appear
Raymond James Bradley - Fail to Pay Fine, Assist Outside Agency
Regan Wayne Whitworth - DWI I
Ronnie Allen Ross - Petition to Revoke
Samantha Rene Craft - Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Comply with Court Order
Tiree Markeith Freeman - Fail to Pay Fine, Driving on Suspended License
Tyler Addison Lee - Public Intoxication, Disorderly Conduct, Criminal Trespassing
Tyler Anthony Elkins - Fail to Pay Fine
Tyler Ray Schmidt - Criminal Trespassing
Vanessa Iluthy Ramos - Fail to Pay Fine, Criminal Impersonation, Driving on Suspended License, DWI II, No Liability Insurance, Driving Left of Center