The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center between August 28th and 29th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Aimee Brigance - DWI I
Amber Gray - Failure To Pay Fine
Andrew Xaysanasy - Carrying A Weapon
Angel Jackson - Failure To Appear
Ashley Bieker - Petition To Revoke
Ashley Brown - Failure To Pay Fine
Betty Gilbreath - Failure To Appear
Billy Youngblood - Harrassment
Bobby Jones - Failure To Appear
Brenton Saygnaphay - Aggravated Assault On Family Member
Bryant Cooper - Criminal Trespassing
Candice Goss - Failure To Appear
Carl Lowther - Public Intoxication
Cathy Howington - Failure To Appear
Christopher Treadway - Petition To Revoke
Christopher Wise - Theft Of Property
Crystal Buoy - Failure To Pay Fine
Cynthia Green - Failure To Appear
Daniel Breeden - Violation Of A Protection Order
Darrell Hays - Failure To Appear
Darrell Taylor - Public Intoxication
David Fines - Criminal Mischief
David Symonds - DWI I
David Thompson - Failure To Appear
Dennis Jones - Parole Violation
Eric Rowe - Delivery Of Controlled Substance
Ethan Williams - ACT 570 Parolee
Fawn Henson - Failure To Comply With Court Order
Fred Clark - Failure To Appear
Fredy Recinos-Barrera - ICE Hold
Gary McDonald - Aggravated Assault
Gary Medlin - Assist Outside Agency
Isidro Ramirez-Pedraza - ICE Hold
Jackie Martin - Failure To Pay Fine
Jacqueline Ortega-Gregg - Failure To Appear
Jamar Webster - Failure To Appear
James Jamison - Fraudulent Use Of Credit Card
James McIntyre - Theft By Receiving
Jason Brown - DWI II, Theft Of Property-Motor Vehicle
Jason Parker - Failure To Appear
Jenna Shepard - Theft Of Property
Jennifer Philpott - Public Intoxication
Jeremy Philpot - Hold For US Marshal
Jeremy Stockton - Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia
John Wilde - Public Intoxication
Jon Carmickle - Fugitive From Justice
Joni Stephens - Failure To Pay Fine
Justin Payton - Failure To Appear
Karrie Cancel - Failure To Pay Fine
Katrice Deloney - Theft Of Property Felony
Kenneth Jones - Aggravated Cruelty To Animal
Kenneth Roof - Public Intoxication
Kevin Knowlton - Robbery
Kimberly Hastings - Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia, Furnishing Prohibited Articles
Luke Rutledge - Fraudulent Use Of Credit Card
Marie Landrum - Petition To Revoke
Marlaine McBride - Failure To Appear
Michael Belk - Obstructing Governmental Operations
Michael Harrower - DWI I
Michael Lucas - Failure To Pay Fine
Michael Stone - Failure To Pay Fine
Nathan Suddeth - Parole Violation
Nicholas Morgan - Public Intoxication
Noah Henry - Public Intoxication
Paul Conley - Failure To Appear
Randall Garcia - Failure To Appear
Randy Duncan - Failure To Appear
Rebecca Stephens - Failure To Pay Fine
Ricardo Blair - Disorderly Conduct
Ricardo Saldivar - Petition To Revoke
Richard Kjosa - FTA Warrant
Rick Guiterrez - Failure To Pay Fine
Robert Dockery - Fugitive From Justice
Ronald Mize - Forgery
Ryan Payne - Fleeing, Hold For US Marshal
Scott Truett - Public Intoxication
Scott Wall - Public Intoxication
Shanna Smith - Failure To Pay Fine
Shatera Larrinaga - Failure To Pay Fine
Shawn Barber - Failure To Appear
Shawn Howard - Failure To Pay Fine
Sirena Johnson - Failure To Pay Fine
Sithsada Duangviklay - Driving On Suspended DL
Spencer Jeffery - Failure To Pay Fine, Failure To Appear
Steve Massey - ADC Commitment
Terrance McDonald - Aggravated Assault
Theodore Johnston - Delivery Of Controlled Substance
Tracy Strawser- DWI I
Tracy Waters - Public Intoxication
Trudy Nichols - Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia
Truman Hardy - Failure To Appear
Trystal Jones - Failure To Pay Fine
Tyler Ivary - Failure To Appear
Vielud Manivond - Theft By Receiving
Walker Hagar - Public Intoxication, Criminal Trespassing
Warren Watterson - Assault On Family Or Household Member
Zachary Comstock - DWI I, Careless or Prohbited Driving
It’s kind of ironic that you skip the dates that a former Police officer gets arrested for a DWI, but I guess that’s none of my business. However you put a picture of me out there for a failure to pay a parking ticket and everyone I know see’s it. Just another example of Cops living above the “social norm”. Thanks
The former police officer’s is on here if you would’ve looked closer you would’ve saw it. I know this because I was just going through them and saw it. Get your panties out of a wad!
It’s kind of ironic that you skip the dates that a former Police officer gets arrested for a DWI, but I guess that’s none of my business. However you put a picture of me out there for a failure to pay a parking ticket and everyone I know see’s it. Just another example of Cops living above the “social norm”. Thanks
The former police officer’s is on here if you would’ve looked closer you would’ve saw it. I know this because I was just going through them and saw it. Get your panties out of a wad!