
Man in convenience store viral video arrested on five misdemeanor counts

A Fort Smith man shown on Facebook being restrained by Fort Smith police officers was arrested on five separate misdemeanor counts.

A Fort Smith man who was the subject of a Facebook video gone viral that showed him being restrained by officers from the Fort Smith Police Department was arrested on five separate misdemeanor counts after he was released from a local hospital where paramedics took him after what appeared to be a drug-related episode.

Mike Thomas McBride of Fort Smith, who was captured on Facebook Live by Cleavon Kursh of Fort Smith during the incident was disoriented, paranoid and physically unable to control his motor functions during the episode, which happened Friday afternoon at the Point Convenience Store at 1116 Grand Avenue.

Kursh had stopped into cash his paycheck when he noticed McBride acting in a strange manner and took out his Smart Phone rto record the event.

“Man, I could’t believe what II was seeing and I didn’t think anyone would believe me either,” said Kursh. “We were all just trying to calm him down and help him until help got there. He was on something and it had him bad.”

Police were called and arrived about seven minutes into the video. One officer finally was able to restrain McBride with handcuffs until back-up arrived, although he was kicked at least twice during the process.

Once back-upback-up arrived a female police officer, who recognized McBride as a classmate from when she attended Ramsey Junior High, was able to talk him down until he EMT’s arrived.

Eyewitnesses said McBride had parked his vehicle near Edwards Funeral Home at the corner of North 12th and B Streets and had walked to the store.

Once inside, he was jerking in spasm-like movements, knocked over store displays and was talking incoherently.

“I thought the police did a good job of handling their business,” said Kursh. “We kept trying to reassure that they were just cuffing him to keep him safe but he started rolling around on the floor and yelling he was hurting, but he was doing it to himself.”

After obtaining medical attention for McBride, officers transported him to the Sebastian County Adult Detention center where he was placed under arrest for 1st degree assault, disorderly conduct, public intoxication, resisting arrest and 1st degree criminal mischief.

He remained jailed on $3,400 bond Saturday night.

Dennis McCaslin has been a longtime news and sports reporter for several media outlets in the Fort Smith area. He has also been a well known radio personality and play-by-play announcer for several years prior to joining InsideFortSmith.Com. He is the voice of the ArklahomaSports High School Game of the Week. E-mail: [email protected]

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