In light of the recent focus on the Fort Smith Civil Service Commission, Inside Fort Smith is taking a look at the various commissions and boards that serve the citizens of Fort Smith.
In all 31 different boards and commissions, made up of Board of Director members and various citizens approved by the Board of Directors, govern the rules and regulations covering each of these panels.
All of the boards and commissions are listed below in alphabetical orders. The information about each, including the duties of the panels, member information and and information on files pertaining to meetings, were taken from the city of Fort Smith website.
Advertising and Promotions Commission
Phone: 1-800-637-1477
Phone: 783-8888
Fax: 784-2421
Email: [email protected]
The Advertising and Promotion Commission is authorized to administer and oversee funds received from the three percent Fort Smith lodging tax and is comprised of seven (7) members as follows according to Ark. Code Ann 26-75-605:
Four members of the commission shall be owners or managers of businesses in the tourism industry and shall reside in either Fort Smith or within Sebastian County. At least three (3) of these four (4) members shall be owners or managers of hotels, motels or restaurants and all of them shall staggered terms of four (4) years. Two (2) members of the commission shall be members of the governing body of the City of Fort Smith and selected by the governing body and shall serve at the will of the governing body. One (1) member of the Commission shall be from the public at large who shall reside within Fort Smith or Sebastian County and shall serve for a term of four (4) years. Any vacancy in the four (4) tourism industry positions or the one (1) at large position shall be filled by appointment made by the remaining members of the commission, with the approval of the Fort Smith Board of Directors. Meetings are monthly as called and are held at the Fort Smith Visitor Center, 2 North B Street, unless otherwise stated in meeting announcements.
Board members and when their terms expire include: Debra Presson (12-31-20), Marion Driscoll (12-31-17), Tom J. Caldarera, Jr. (12-31-17), Calvin Remy (12-31-18) – Government members: Mayor Sandy Sanders, Director Don Hutchings
Files — No minutes or agendas listed for this commission on the website
Airport Commission
Phone:452-7000 ext. 50
Email: [email protected]
The Airport Commission has the authority to manage, operate, improve, extend and maintain the Municipal Airport and its related properties and facilities, has the right to employ and supervise airport employees, and has authority to finance all improvements at the Airport, including construction of facilities and acquisition of property. The Commission shall keep a record of all revenues and expenditures of the Airport and its related properties and facilities, and shall submit monthly reports and an annual report to the Board of Directors. The Airport Commission is composed of seven citizens who are qualified electors of the City, one of which must be fully experienced in aviation and hold some type of pilot rating. The Airport Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by a three-fourths vote of the Board of Directors for five-year terms. The Fort Smith Airport Commissioner’s regular monthly meetings are at 5:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. The meetings are held in the Commission Room located in the airport administration offices on the second floor of the new airport terminal building (6700 McKennon Blvd.).
Board members and when their terms expire include: Jan Nordin (6-30-22), James E. Kelly, III M.D. (6-30-22), Mac Mcghee (6-30-18) Wayne Haver (6-30-19), Robert J. Hawkins (6-30-20), Justin Voris (6-30-21)
Government members: none
Files: Complete commission meeting information from 2011-2016
Animal Services Advisory Board
Wendy Mathis
(479) 784-2201
Animal Services Advisory Board
Nine members shall work in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and the Board of Directors in regard to topics that concern the care and safety of animals within the corporate limits of the city, and shall endeavor to stimulate and encourage communication with all members of the community to ensure that the programs, goals and objectives of the city relative to the care and safety of animals are consistent with community needs and desires. However, the animal services advisory board will not be responsible for the day to day operations of the Animal Control Division of the Fort Smith Police Department.
Board members and when their terms expire include: Tammy Trouillon (4-3-17), Sherilyn Walton (4-3-20), Jon Remer (4-3-20), Robert M Naumoff (4-3-18), Leann Hicklin (4-3-18), Stacie Gibson (6-16-18) – three vacancies
Government members: none
Files: Partial agendas, press releases, final reports and partial meeting minutes
Arkansas Fair and Exhibition Facilities Board
John Ayers
Phone: 646-7891
Email: [email protected]
The Arkansas Fair & Exhibition Facilities board authorizes the issuance of revenue bonds to finance fair and exhibition facilities; and prescribing other matters relating thereto. The board is empowered, from time to time, to own, acquire, construct, reconstruct, extend, equip, improve, sell, lease, contract concerning or otherwise deal in or dispose of fair and exhibition facilities in the City, including the making of loans with respect thereto. The Arkansas Fair & Exhibition Facilities Board shall consist of five persons to be appointed by the Mayor in accordance with the Act. The initial members shall serve for terms of one, two, three, four, and five-year terms.
Board members and when their terms expire include: Eugene Bruick (3-7-22), Ken Pevehouse (3-7-18), David Hudson 3-7-18), Matthew Pitch (3-18-1). John Ayers (3-7-20)
Government members: None
Files: None
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors to advise the Board of Directors on all matters relating to the annual financial audit and on matters related to the City’s internal control structure.
The committee includes four private citizens of Fort Smith and two members of the Board of Directors. At least one member of the committee shall be a certified public accountant.
Members shall be nominated by the City Administrator and appointed by the Board of Directors. Following initial terms of one, two and three year, members shall serve three - year terms. The committee meets on call.
Board members and when their terms expire include: Lavon Morton (11-30-29), Kip Jarvis, (12-31-19), George Moschner (11-30-18), Deana Infield (11-30-18)
Government members include: Director Mike Lorenz 11-30-19), Director Tracy Pennartz (11-30-1), Director Keith Lau (11-30-18)
Files: None
*Note: Although the information listed on the site calls for six members (four citizens, two members of the board of directors) the listing shows three BOD members (Lorenz. Pennartz, Lau) making it a seven member panel.
Building Board Of Adjustments And Appeals
Jimmie Deer, Building Official
Phone: 784-2206
Fax: 784-1030
Email: [email protected]
The Board has the authority to hear appeals from any aggrieved person or the head of any agency of the City which takes an appeal from any decision of the building official authorized to enforce the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code. The Board of Adjustments and Appeals may vary the application of any provision of the code to any particular case when, in its opinion, the interpretation of the building official should be modified or reversed.
Members of the Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals are appointed by the Board of Directors for four-year terms. The Board shall consist of one architect, one general contractor or engineer, and three members at large from the building industry. The Board meets on call.
Board members and when their terms expire include: Mark Koch (11-30-17), Brett Abbott (11-30-17), David Edwards 11-30-18), Evan Fleming (11-30-18), Chip Johnson (11-30-19)
Government members: None
Files: None
Central Business Improvement District
Jeff Dingman
Deputy City Administrator
Phone: 479-784-2201
Email: [email protected]
State law provides that persons serving on the Central Business Improvement District shall be owners of real property in the district or officers or stockholders of a corporation owning real property within the district. Eight commissioners are appointed by the Board of Directors.
Board members and when their terms expire include: Steve Clark 11-30-19), Lee Ann Vick (9-30-211), Richard Griffin (9-30-21), Rodney H. Ghan (9-30-21), Phil White (9-30-21), Sam T. Sicard (9-30-21), Bill H. Hanna (9-30-21), Jeff H. Pryor (9-30-19)
Government members: None
Files: CBID documents, CBID agenda packets and meeting minutes 2008-present
Civil Service Commission
Lindsey Kaelin, Human Resources Coordinator
Phone: 784-2222
Fax: 784-1024
Email: [email protected]
Applicants for appointment to the Police and Fire Department and provide for open, competitive examination to test the fitness of applicants. In addition, the Civil Service Commission hears appeals by employees of the Fire and Police Departments concerning disciplinary actions.
The Civil Service Commission consists of five citizens of the City named by the Board of Directors to serve six-year terms. Members shall be citizens of the State of Arkansas and residents of the City for at least three (3) years preceding their appointment. Members shall not hold or be a candidate for any political office under any national, state, county or municipal government, or be connected in any official capacity with any political party or organization. The commission meets on call.
Members and when their current term expires include: Charlotte Tidwell (3-31-22), Marty Shell (3-31-13), Orvl Smith (3-3-19), Robert Patrick Cooper (3-31-21), Sam “Chip” Sexton (3-31-21)
Government members: None
Files: None
Community Development Advisory Committee
Matt Jennings
AICP Director of Community Development
Candyce Waters
Community Development Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
David Smith
Housing Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 784-2209
Fax: 784-2462
The purpose of the Community Development Advisory Committee is to allocate CDBG and HOME Investment Partnership Act Funds in such a manner that maximum feasible priority is given to activities which will meet the overall community needs, primarily those needs of low and moderate income families, minorities, elderly, disabled and/or aid in the prevention of slum and blighted areas. Also, to serve in an advisory role in the planning, implementing, and assessing of the Community Development Program, and to ensure continuity of the involvement of citizens throughout all stages of the Community Development Program. The Community Development Advisory Committee is authorized to review and recommend to the Board of Directors projects to be considered for Community Development Block Grant Funding; to review and assess Community Development Program performance; to prepare and recommend a Citizen Participation Plan; to hold meetings and workshops to disseminate information to citizens and to receive views and opinions and relate these to the setting of priorities for the City. The Board was created as a response of changes to Citizen Participation as noted in 24 CFR Part 91.105 - CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS FOR COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS, U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The Community Development Advisory Committee consists of seven members, appointed by the Board of Directors. The committee shall contain substantial representation of low and moderate income families, members of minority groups, the elderly, the handicapped, the business community and civic groups. All terms are three years or until the expiration of the Community Development Program. The committee meets on call and meetings are held in various locations.
Members and when their current terms expire include: Kerri Norman (6-30-20), Patricia A. Richardson (6-30-20), Genia Smith (6-30-20), George W, Willis (6-30-20), Cinda Rushin (6-30-28). Ryan Millican (6-30-18), Nichelle Christian 6-30-19).
Government members: None
Files: None
*Note: Patricia A. Richardson is an elected member of the Fort Smith Board of Education
Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee
The responsibilities of the committee include periodic progress meeting with City staff, a review of the annual, biennial and quinquennial reports on the progress of the comprehensive plan; provide feedback before the reports are finalized, and assist with preparation of a scorecard to show how the plan is implemented. The committee may also assist by working with neighborhood and other community groups providing them with progress reports and helping them get involved.
The committee shall consist of nine (9) at large appointments, to be made by the board of directors, one (l) member of the Planning Commission and one (l) member of the Parks Commission. The Planning Commission and Parks Commission shall each select their representatives for the committee. All terms shall be for five (5) years, after which time the board of director shall determine future terms. The representatives of the Planning Commission and Parks Commission must continue to be a member of their respective commission while serving on the committee. If such committee member ceases to be a member of hislher respective commission, the commission shall designate another of its members to fill the remainder of the term on the committee. The committee meets on call.
Current board members and when their terms expire: Alex J. Sanchez (4-21-20), Keley Simpson (4-21-20), Tim Hearn 4-21-20, John Cooley (4-21-20), Galen Hunter 4-21-20), Rocky Walker 4-21-20), Mitch Minnick 4-21-20), Paula Toler Linder (4-21-20), Kelsey Kelton (4-21-20)
Government members: Vicki Newton – Planning Commission (4-21-20), Chris Raible – parks and Recreation (4-21-20).
County Equalization Board
Members and when their terms expire: Jimmy Taylor – County (shows expired date of 5-31-16), Lynn Ellison -Schools County (shows expired date of 5-31-16), Jack Swink – Quorum Court (County (shows expired date of 5-31-16), Bob Cosner -Quorum court -(shows expired date of 5-31-17), Leo Faulkner – County (shows expired date of 5-31-17), Bob Evans – School - (shows expired date of 5-31-17), Rhonda Black -Quorum Court (5-20-18), Walter Echols -County (5-31-18), Don Oliver (5-31-18)
Files: None
Electric Code Appeals Board
Jimmie Deer, Building Official
Phone: 784-2206
Fax: 784-1030
Email: [email protected]
The Electric Code Appeals Board has the authority to hear appeals from anyone who wishes to appeal the decision of the City official enforcing the City’s Electrical Code. Upon hearing the appeal, the Board of Appeals may modify or reverse the interpretation of the electrical inspector.
The Board consists of five members who are qualified by experience and training to pass on matters pertaining to electrical installation and materials and who are actively engaged in a business related to the building industry, and two members who are citizens at large.
The members are appointed by the Board of Directors and serve five year terms. The Board meets on call.
Current members and when their terms expire include: David Damron (3-31-22), Thomas F. Mcallister (3-13-18), Jerrod W, Walrod (3-31-18), Marvin Matlock (2-13-19), Larry Newman (3-31-19), Terry Buzbee (3-31-21), Frank Glidwell (3-31-21)
Government members: None
Files: None
Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustment
Joni Layne
Senior Clerk, Fire Department
Phone: 784-2370
Fax: 784-5335
Email: [email protected]
The Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments hears appeals of fire codes. The appeals shall be made in writing to the Fire Chief, who will forward them to the chairman. The chairman will notify board members and set up an appeals hearing. Every decision the Board makes shall be final, in writing, and indicate the vote.
The Board is composed of five members appointed by the Board of Directors. After initial staggered terms, the Board members will serve four-year terms. The Fire Chief is an ex-officio member and acts as secretary (he has no vote). The Board meets on call at Fire Station #1.
Current members and when their terms expire include: Andrea Mooneyham (10-30-2019), James M. Reddick (10-31-21), Mike Schulterman (10-31-2017), Gene Nelson 10-31-2018), Karl Lee Studddad (10-31-2010
Government members: none
Files: none
Fort Smith Employees Benevolent Fund Board of Advisors
The Fort Smith Municipal Employee’s Benevolent Fund was established December 23, 1991. The fund provides for a trust fund to be used to provide emergency assistance to the employees of the City of Fort Smith and their immediate families, including immediate families of deceased employees of the various city departments whenever such employees or their immediate families sustain extraordinary expenses (including, but not limited to: housing, clothing, food, educational, medical and dental expenses). Distributions from the fund shall be at the discretion of the Board of Advisors of the fund.
The Board of Advisors consists of nine persons as follows: two members of the Police Department, two members of the Fire Department, two members of other city departments, and two other adults who are citizens of the City of Fort Smith. The Mayor serves as a member, ex-officio, and presides at meetings of the Board of Advisors. Members of the Board of Advisors are appointed by the Board of Directors.
Current members and when their terms expire include: Patrick Geels,(6-30-2020)Rhonda Royal (6-30-20), Mary C. Moore (6-30-20), Wes Milam (6-30-18), Ronnie Rogers (6-30-18), Wendy Mathis (6-30-19), Teddy Abbey (6-30-2019), Jamie Hammond (6-30-2019)
Government members: All members are city of Fort Smith employees except for Royal
Files: None
Historic District Commission
Maggie Rice, Senior Planner
Phone: 784-2266
Fax: 784-2462
Email: [email protected]
The commission is authorized to make an investigation and report on the historic significance of the buildings, structures, features, sites or surroundings included in any proposed historic district. The commission is also authorized to recommend an area or areas to be included in a historic district or districts and from time to time recommend amendments to established districts or additional districts.
Fort Smith has been designated a Certified Local Government (CLG) by the United States Department of Interior. One of the benefits of being a CLG is to be eligible for various grant funds each year. CLG’s are required to attempt to appoint preservation related professionals to their Historic District Commissions, to the extent available in the community.
The commission has five members, who are electors of the city, appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors and each serves alternate three-year terms. Members shall be electors of the City and hold no salaried or municipal office. Regular meetings are the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Darby Community Center. The study sessions are held the last Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m., at the Darby Community Center, 220 North 7 Street.
Current members and when their terms expire include: Graham Sharum (7-31-2017), Charles Lane (7-31-2017), Chery Boswell (7-31-2018), Diane Morrison (7-31-2018), David Kerr (7-31-2019)
Government members: none
Files: All meeting meetings listed from December 3, 2009 through February 9, 2016
Housing Assistance Board
David Smith
Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 784-2209
Fax: 784-2462
Email: [email protected]
The Housing Assistance Board was established by the Board of Directors April 6, 1976, to review applications and approve grants and loans to owners of housing units in the City to repair and rehabilitate private residential structures. Grants and loans are available through the Community Development Block Grant Program. The Board consists of seven persons serving two-year terms. The Board of Directors make the appointments from names submitted to them by various citizens, community groups, etc. The Board meets on call monthly. The meetings are held at various locations. This board currently has one vacancy.
Board members and when their current term expires: Tara Muck (4-23-19), Jim Rose (4-30-2019, Mike Jacimore (4-30-20), Sara Edmiston (4-30-2018), karen Wuthrich 9 4-30-2018), Jim Harris (4-30-2018)
Government members: none
Files: All board meeting meetings from May 5, 2011 to Marc 3, 2016
Housing Authority
Contact: Mitchell Minnick
The Housing Authority is authorized to provide low-income housing assistance to residents of the City and the County. Vacancies on the Housing Authority shall be filled by the remaining members of the Housing Authority subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors serving 5 year terms.
The Housing Authority meets at 11:30 a.m. on the last Thursday of each month at the Beckman Center.
Current members and when their term expires: Alex Sanchez (3-20-2022), Richard B. Griffin (3-3-2022), Rick Foti (3-3-2018), Barbara Webster Meadows (3-3-2019), Rex Terry (3-3-2020)
Government members: none
Files: none
Library Board of Trustees
Jennifer Goodson, Library Director
Phone: 783-0229
Email: [email protected]
The Library Board of Trustees is responsible for the management and control of the Fort Smith Public Library.
The Trustees are citizens of Fort Smith appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the Board of Directors, for five-year terms. Beginning January 1, 1998 regardless of the term length, no person, whether a current trustee or being considered for appointment as a trustee, who has served two (2) or more consecutive terms shall be eligible for appointment or reappointment to serve until at least one (1) year shall have passed since they last served on the board.
The Library Board meets at 4:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. Most board meetings are held at the Main Library, but occasionally the Board meets at a branch library. Contact the library director for a meeting schedule.
Trustee members and when their current term expires: Robert D. Kelly (12-31-2017) Amy Skypala ( 12-31-2017), Anita Paddock (12-31-1-2017), Joshua Keifer (12-31-2018), Kevin S. Lacewell 12-31-2018), Ben Shipley (12-31-2020), Jurena Storm (12-31-2020)
Government members: none
Files: none
Massard Prairie Civil War Battlefield Park Advisory Commission
Justin Douglas, Chairperson
Phone: 646-5388
The Massard Prairie Civil War Battlefield Park Commission works to develop the park once it is developed, and to direct any and all efforts in promoting the historic significance of the park. The commission consists of 7 persons who are appointed by the mayor. The initial members shall serve one, two, & three-year terms; thereafter, members shall serve three-year terms. Meetings are as needed.
Current members: Justin Douglas, Sam Wang, Carol Woods, Larry Puckett, Billy Higgins, Fred Patton, Betty Skokos, Steve Cox, Tom Wing, Bill Black, Sue White, Jan Eddleman, Judith McGee, Davis Dunagin, Dee CARROLE
Government members: None
Files: None
Mechanical Board of Adjustments and Appeals
Jimmie Deer, Building Official
Phone: 784-2206
Email: [email protected]
The Mechanical Board of Adjustments and Appeals has the authority to hear appeals of decisions and interpretations of the administrative authority relating to the Arkansas Mechanical Code.
The Board consists of five members who have knowledge and experience in the mechanical code, such as design professionals, contractors or industry representatives. The Board, following initial staggered terms, will serve five-year terms. In addition, there are two alternate members (one member-at-large from the industry and one member-at-large from the public) who serve one-year terms. A member shall not act in a case in which he had a personal or financial interest. Appointments are made by the Board of Directors. (Please submit applications to the city administrator’s office no later than the close of business on June 13, 2017.)
The Board meets on call.
Current members and when their terms expire: Michael Blalock (7- 31-2017), Ted Neal (7-31-2018), Mike Locknar (7-31-2018), Greg Williams (7-31-2018), Thomas Franklin (7-31-2019), Buford Martin (7-31-2019), Ron R. Smith 7-31-2021)
Note: Although the description for ttis commissions says it only has five members, there are currently seven members serving.
Government members: None
Files: None
Oak Cemetery Commission
The Oak Cemetery Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors and the City Administrator in the planning, maintenance, development and operation of the cemetery.
The Commission consists of eleven members who shall initially serve one, two and three-year terms. Thereafter, members shall serve three-year terms. The Commission meets at noon on the second Thursday of each month at Creekmore Community Center. Applications for prospective vacancies are now being received. Please submit applications to the city administrator’s office no later than the close of business on March 8th, 2017.
Current members and when their terms expire: Joseph S, Irwin (11-30-2019), Joel Scott Stubblefield (11-30-2019), Carole Barger (11-30-17), Reginald Moore (11-30-2018), Charles Gihard (11-30-2018)
Note: Although th description of the board calls for eleven members, currently only five are actively serving.
Government members: None
Files: Complete minutes, agenda’s and schedule of future meetings 2007 to present
Parking Authority
Jeff Dingman
Phone: 784-2201
Email: [email protected]
The Parking Authority is authorized to supervise and control all matters pertaining to the parking of vehicles within the City and consists of five members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Board of Directors for five-year terms. Members shall be qualified electors of the city and cannot hold any elective office of city, county, or state. The Parking Authority meets on call.
Current members and when their terms expire: Luis Andrade (12-31-2017). Linda K. Gurlen (12-31-2017), Stuart Gahn 2-19-2018), Tiffany Parker (2-18-2019), Eldon Vincent Jr. 12-31-2019)
Government members: None
Files: None
Parks and Recreation Commission
Linda Woodruff
Parks & Recreation Secretary
Phone: 784-1006
Email: [email protected]
The Parks and Recreation Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors of the City of Fort Smith and Director of Community Services in the promotion, planning, maintenance, development and operation of all recreation areas and facilities owned, controlled or leased by the City.
The members of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be qualified electors of the City. Members are appointed by the Board of Directors for five-year terms. The commission meets at 12:00 (noon) the second Wednesday of each month at the Creekmore Community Center. (Please submit applications to the city administrator’s office no later than the close of business on August 9, 2017)
Current members and when their terms expire: Nancy Raney ( 8-31-2021), Jim Rowland (8-31-2021), Lacy M. Jennen (8-31-2017), Sherry Toliver ( 8-31-2018), Casey Milspaugh (8-31-2019), Chris Raible (8-31-2019), Madeline Marquette (8-31-2020)
Government members: None
Files: All past agenda summaries, meeting minutes from 2011 to present
Planning Commission
Planning Department
Phone: 784-2216
Fax: 784-2462
Email: [email protected]
The Planning Commission consists of nine members, appointed by the Board of Directors for a three-year term. Members of the Planning Commission must be owners of or tenants in real property in the City of Fort Smith and be qualified electors of the City. The Planning Commission meets the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Rose Room of the Creekmore Park Community Center. A study session is held the first Tuesday of each month at 11:30am in the Rose Room of the Creekmore Park Community Center, 3301 South M. Street.
The purpose of the Planning Commission is to prepare a development plan for the City, to receive and make recommendations on public and private proposals for the development and to prepare and administer planning regulations. The Planning Commission is authorized to prepare and adopt a land use plan, a community facilities plan, a master street plan and such other plans affecting the general welfare of the City.
The Planning Commission is also responsible for reviewing all rezoning, conditional use and home occupation requests, as well as proposed subdivisions. A rezoning application requires a minimum of 5 yes votes. Home occupation, conditional use, variance and subdivision requests require a majority vote of the Planning Commission members present and voting. Any rezoning application receiving approval of the Planning Commission will go before the City Board of Directors for their review on the first Tuesday of the following month at 6:00 p.m. in Building “B” of the Fort Smith Public Schools Service Center located at 3205 Jenny Lind. The Planning Commission’s action on conditional uses, home occupations and subdivisions is final unless an interested party appeals the decision of the Planning Commission to the City Board of Directors. An appeal to a rezoning, home occupation or conditional use application will also go before the City Board of Directors for the review on the first Tuesday of the following month at 6:00 p.m. in Building “B” of the Fort Smith Public Schools Service Center located at 3205 Jenny Lind.
The Planning Commission also acts as the Board of Zoning Adjustment and hears appeals from the decision of the administrative officers regarding enforcement and application of the zoning ordinances and hears requests for variances from the provisions of the zoning ordinance. All action of the Board of Zoning Adjustment will be final unless appealed to the court of jurisdiction.
Current members and when their terms expire: Thomas E. Howard Jr. (4-30-2020), Vicki Newton (4-30-2020), Sarah Howe (4-30-2018), Shane Laster (4-30-2020), Talicia Richardson (4-30-2018), Robert Cooper Jr. (4-30-2019), Don Keese (4-30-201), Marshall L. Sharpe (4-30-2019), Josh Carson (4-30-2018)
Government members: None
Files: All agenda’s and meeting summaries from 2010 to 2016
Plumbing Advisory Board
Jimmie Deer, Building Official
Phone: 784-2206
Phone: 784-1030
Email: [email protected]
The Plumbing Advisory Board is authorized to serve the City in an advisory capacity in the formulation of rules and regulations regarding plumbing in the City; to hear appeals to the City’s inspecting officials regarding plumbing and gas fitting codes and ordinances.
The Board consists of two licensed master plumbers, a licensed registered mechanical or sanitary engineer, a licensed registered architect, two citizens at large, and a designated representative of the Health Department of the City. With the exception of the Health Department representative who serves for an indefinite term, all other members are appointed by the Board of Directors for four-year terms.
The Board meets on call.
Current members and when their terms expire: Jason Davis (None listed), Mike Taylor (2-28-2021), Herbert V. Davis (2-28-2018), Scott Hatahaway (2-28-2018), James Dempsey (2-28-2018), Charles L. (Woody) Shank ( 2-28-2020), Matthew Blaylock (2-28-2020)
Government members: None
Files: None
Port Authority
Jeff Dingman
Deputy City Administrator
Phone: 784-2201
Email: [email protected]
Generally, the Port Authority is established as an instrumentality of the City and has all general powers necessary to promote, develop, construct, equip, maintain and operate ports, harbors, river-rail or barge terminals for the City of Fort Smith. The Port Authority consists of five qualified electors of the city, appointed by the Mayor and each serves alternate five-year terms. The Authority meets on call.
Current members and when their terms expire: Jeff take (7-31-02017) , Dustin Collyge (7-31-2018), Phillip W. Doss (7-31-2010() Larry J. Combs (7-31-2020), Eddie Norman (7-31-2012)
Government members: none
Files: All agenda and minutes summaries from 2001 to present
Property Owners Appeal Board
Sherri Gard
Phone: 784-2208
Email: [email protected]
The Property Owners Appeals Board was established by the Board of Directors April 15, 1997 to review City ordinances relative to clean up of lands for the purpose of making recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning amendments thereto, and to hear appeals of delinquent property owners charged by the City for abatement costs who feel themselves aggrieved by action of the City.
The Board consisted of five persons appointed by the Board of Directors who, following initial staggered terms, will serve five-year terms of office. The Board shall meet to hear appeals twice annually during the month of September, and may meet for other purposes as well. Meetings are scheduled for the second Monday of each month at 11:00 A.M. in the Planning conference room at 623 Garrison Avenue, room 326.
Current members and when their terms expire: Joel Culberson (7-14-2018), Dennis M. Schaeffer ((7-14-2019), Scott D, Monroe (7-14-2019), Megan Raynor (7-14-2020), Karen Lewis ( 7-14-2020)
Government members : none
Files: July 10, agenda packet
Residential Housing Facilities Board
Matt Jennings
Phone: 784-2212
Email: [email protected]
The City of Fort Smith Residential Housing Facilities Board shall consist of five (5) members. The initial members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall serve for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years, respectively. Successor members shall be elected by a majority of the board for terms of five years each. The members of the board shall be qualified electors residing in the City and shall take and file with the City Clerk the oath of office prescribed in the Act.
Current members and when their terms expire: All listed members currently expired, the last in 2014.
Riverfront Task Force
Claude Legris, Director
Fort Smith Convention & Visitors Bureau
2 North B
Fort Smith, AR 72901
Phone: 1-800-637-1477
Phone: 783-8888
Fax: 784-2421
Email: [email protected]
The Riverfront Task Force is established to develop recommendations including a comprehensive plan and a financing strategy to more fully develop the Arkansas riverfront. They meet as often as necessary to accomplish their objectives. The terms of its members are indefinite.
Current members and when their terms expire: (Nine members all listed as “indefinite”) – Bill Kirk, Alan Lewis, David McMahon, John McIntosh, Peggy Weidman, Joe Davis, Ann Dawson, George McGill, Nan Bartlett
Government members: none
Files: none
Sebastian County Solid Waste Management Board (Joint City County Committee)
Phone: 784-2329
Fax: 646-2255
The purpose of the District is the protection of the public health and the state’s environmental quality through the development and maintenance of a solid waste district for Sebastian County and the municipalities of Barling, Bonanza, Central City, Fort Smith, Greenwood, Hackett, Hartford, Huntington, Mansfield, Midland, and Lavaca. Further, the District shall serve to address local agencies, needs and other requirements as are more clearly defined in Act 752 of 1991.
City appointments are by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors, for three-year terms. One city appointment shall consist of a representative of Fort Chaffee. County appointments are by the County Judge subject to confirmation of the Quorum Court. Meetings are quarterly on call.
Current members ad when their terms expire: Judge David Hudson, Ron Smith, Lt. Colonel Michael Stanskey, Mayor Hugh Hardgrave (all expired), Bruce D. King (1-21-2020), Andre’ Good (1-21-2018), Andrew Galbach (1-21-2018), Mike Lorenz (1-21-2019), Carl Davis (1-21-2019)
Government members: Hudson, Stanskey, Hardgrave, Good, Lorenz
Files: None
Streets, Bridges And Assoc. Drainage Capital Imp Plan (CIP) Advisory Com.
Stan Snodgrass, Director of Engineering
Sonya Elliot, Administrative Coordinator
Phone: 784-2225
Fax: 784-2245
Email: [email protected]
The Streets, Bridges, and Associated Drainage Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Advisory Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors of the City of Fort Smith and the Engineering Department. The CIP Advisory Committee will review recommendations from the Engineering Department, take and evaluate public comment and suggestions, and ultimately recommend a five-year CIP to the Board of Directors. The committee was established June 16, 2015 by Ordinance No. 40-15.
The members of the CIP Committee must be registered voters residing in the City of Fort Smith. The committee will consist of seven members appointed by the Board of Directors. The committee shall include at least one resident from each of the four city wards.
Members and when their current terms expire: Nathaniel Deason (7-21-2019), Stan Vlademar (7-21-2020), Philip Rosar (7-21-2020), Tifanee Baker (7-21-2018), Robert Brown (7-21-2018), Aaron St, Amant (7-21-2018), David Armbruster (7-21-2019)
Government members: None
Files: Minutes and agendas August 20, 2015 – February 1, 2017
Transit Advisory Commission
Ken Savage Transit director
Lori Carr Transit superintendent
Phone: 783-6464
Fax: 494-7347
Email: [email protected]
The Transit Advisory Commission is responsible for maintaining and improving public transit in Fort Smith and to direct efforts regarding marketing/advertising, shelters, special projects, bus zones, stops and routes as well as other related issues. The commission was established April 7, 1998. The Transit Advisory Commission consists of five members appointed by the Mayor and they serve staggered terms. The Commission meets on call in the Conference Room of the Transit facility and public notice is given prior to each meeting. (Please submit applications to the city administrator’s office no later than the close of business on June 13, 2017).
Current members and when their term expire: Leo Good (7-15-2017), Dustin Perceful (6-15-2018), Dr. Kathleen Cates (6-15-2018), Charles Poole (7-15-2019), Barbara Houston- Blatchford (7-15-2019)
Government members – None