
Little Debbie snack cakes at heart of trailer heist


Someone in Northeast Arkansas has enough tasty treats to last them for a while. The only problem is - they are stolen.

Jonesboro police announced Wednesday they are looking for whoever stole a 16′ Wells Cargo black enclosed trailer, full of nothing but Little Debbie snack cakes.

Just how many delicious treats can you fit in such a trailer, you ask? Jonesboro television station KAIT reports that the owner told investigators that he had just stocked the trailer with $5,000 worth of merchandise.

According to the police report filed, he had left the trailer in the parking lot of a mini-storage facility, and returned to find it missing around 4:30 AM. If you happen to see the trailer, it’s license plate number is AB299090.

Who knows, the owner might part with an Oatmeal Creme Pie or Swiss Roll as a reward.





Grant Merrill is the Publisher of InsideFortSmith.Com, and owner of parent company Great Plains Digital Media. Prior to jumping into the digital world, he was a longtime sports talk show host on stations across Arkansas. E-Mail: [email protected]

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