Another slow night at the Johnson County Detention Center as the long-arm of the law snagged just four outlaws in a 24-hour booking period.

Suspects are listed by name, age, hometown arresting agency, charges and bond status

Sloss, Amy L., 38 — Hartman - JCSO - criminal trespassing, obstructing governmental operations - $440 bond

Clark, John Allenclar, 27 — Clarksville - Lamar Police Department - possession of a controlled substance, no bond

Gifford, Wayne Earl, 22 — Hartman- JCSO serving 24-hours per Judge McCain - no bond

Sanders, Skippy Don, 34 — Clarksville - JCSO - Speeding, defective equipment, failure to stop or yield, leaving the scene of an accident, fleeing vehicle or conveyance, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of meth, absconding, body attachment for child support - $11,774 bond


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