Happy 50th Birthday to an Arkansas institution


Randy and Missy Ellis (left) are joined by children Carey and Jamie on the 50th anniversary of Feltner’s Whatta-Burger (PHOTO: Facebook)

RUSSELLVILLE - While many in the Arkansas River Valley are celebrating with Thanksgiving staples like ham and turkey, the Feltner family in Russellville is celebrating their own milestone. It was this day in 1967 that Feltner’s Whatta-Burger opened for business, becoming a staple not only for the community but for those making the trek from Little Rock to Fort Smith or Northwest Arkansas.

As the legend has it, Bob Feltner was one who traveled extensively prior to settling in Russellville with his family and the restaurant concept. Those who have eaten there know that the burgers are made to order. Although Bob Feltner passed away in 1997, and his widow Juanita passed in recent years, daughter Missy and son-in-law Randy Ellis have carried the torch for the next generation.

Grandsons Travis, Chase, and Grant Feltner took some of the Whatta-Burger playbook, and have had their own successes with the Feltner Brothers’ restaurants in Fayetteville.

Today, the surviving members of the Feltner family opened the restaurant for three hours, and as a nod of appreciation to their customers, they rolled back prices to fifty years ago. Whatta-Burgers were sold for $.40, french fries were a quarter, and shakes were just $.20.

For the Russellville community, the Feltners and the Ellis’ are a local treasure. The family was happy to employ thousands of teenagers over the years, many of whom found success later in life with the customer service principles learned while doing things Bob Feltner’s way.

Our family at InsideFortSmith.Com would like to congratulate the Feltners on half a century of service, and hope for many more years “right across from Tech on North Arkansas.”

Your success is very well deserved.



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