FORT SMITH - Local law enforcement is taking a new approach to their recruiting efforts, in hopes of bringing more good officers aboard.

“A perennial issue at Fort Smith Police Department has been, recruiting and retaining qualified and motivated police officers to the agency in the past.” the Department said on social media. “In response FSPD Training Coordinator Lieutenant James Hays has put together two “Recruiting Teams” from within the ranks to assist agency Recruiter Corporal Brian Beaver with attracting top applicants to the department allowing him to focus more on numerous tedious tasks such as testing, vetting, background etc.”

The Department says there was a strategy to the people they put out in the spotlight.

“The recruiting teams were hand selected based on several key factors, they are mature, have a diverse life experience, reflect the diversity of our community, are good problem solvers, critical thinkers and most importantly they are good communicators.” the Department said. “The recruiting teams will travel throughout the region to schools and fairs promoting the benefits of working for FSPD.”

The Department says individual inquiries should continue to be directed to their agency Training Unit.


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