LITTLE ROCK - Governor Asa Hutchinson has ordered that all United States flags be flown at half staff in memory of Stone County Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Stephen, who was killed in the line of duty Thursday morning near Mountain View.
Hutchinson and other state leaders expressed their condolences throughout the day.
““It was heartbreaking to hear that Stone County Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Stephen was killed in the line of duty today. Deputy Stephen’s death is a somber reminder that our law-enforcement officers risk their lives every day to protect ours,” the Governor said. “I am grateful for the men and women who willingly put their safety on the line every time they put on the uniform. My heart goes out to his wife and son, and to his fellow officers and friends in their grief at the tragic loss of Mike Stephen.””
United States Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) also weighed in the situation.
“Today, the State of Arkansas mourns the loss of a brave law-enforcement officer killed in the line of duty. Mike Stephen protected the people of Stone County, standing as part of the thin blue line separating our communities from crime and chaos,” Cotton said. “I encourage all Arkansans to pray for and comfort his family, friends, and neighbors during this moment of loss.”
Other state leaders followed suit.
“”My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Stephens during this tragic and difficult time. My heart also goes out to the Stone County Sheriff’s Department as they grieve the loss of one of their own,” Lieutenant Governor Tim Griffin said. “Today’s news is a mournful reminder to Arkansans of the risks our law enforcement officers face each and every day as they strive to make our communities safer.”
According to KAIT Television in Jonesboro, Stephen was dispatched on a domestic check to a residence on Flag Road, some seventeen miles southwest of Mountain View near the Van Buren County line.
Stephen arrived at 8:39 a.m. and he encountered a female and in short order, gunfire erupted, Sadler said, noting Stephen was killed at the scene.