FORT SMITH - FSPD Interim Chief Danny Baker this afternoon reminds residents that flood-damaged appliances set curbside for disposal pose a serious child safety hazard.

“Please bumper block, secure shut or remove any and all appliance doors. A child trapped could suffocate in as little as 10 minutes,” the City said in a release.

Sanitation Dir. Kyle Foreman today advises that his crews will be working beginning Monday morning to pick up damaged appliances put out for disposal (safe environmental recycling). Residents should leave removed doors alongside so they too can be collected and recycled.

“Until appliances are collected, please help protect any young children who may live in or be visiting and playing in the area,” Foreman’s office said. “Bumper block, secure or remove damaged appliance doors left curbside, on your lawn, in your open garage or anywhere curious, playful tykes might wander.”


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