BOONEVILLE - Officials with the Booneville School District confirm that students who were filmed fighting in a video that has gone viral on social media are being investigated by authorities.

While the fight reportedly happened two weeks ago, the video was posted around noon today by Barbi Adair. She claimed in her Facebook post that the victim was a mentally challenged student, while also claiming that the aggressor was a player for the Booneville Bearcat football team. Toward the end of the scuffle, the victim appears to be knocked out after being kicked in the face.

Booneville Junior High Principal Josh Walker confirmed via his own social media account that while the persons involved were high school students in the district, that the incident did not place on school grounds. Walker said that the parents of both students had been notified and that authorities were looking into the matter.

Information was not available as to the condition of the student involved.



  1. We don’t need human beings like this in the planet stealing good oxygen from the rest of us. Something needs to be done about them.

  2. Not sure where this reply goes, however, if anyone has information if that little guy is OK, I would like to know. My heart breaks for this guy, for his parents that have to endure watching their baby suffer so mercilessly; for the parents of the boy that could inflict this pain to know that was inside their son; and for the parents of all those boys that stood by watching/recording that will soon find out their boys had it in them to LET this happen. My prayers are for all involved!

  3. I wouldn’t say ‘they’ were fighting, clearly the smaller person was just trying to defend himself, it was a very one sided affair. It was a brutal occurrence and the bigger boy was twice the size of the boy he was attacking. The footballer should sit out for the next season, barred by the state of Arkansas from playing anywhere !

  4. I am extremely pleased that it appears the proper authorities have become involved and with any luck, justice may be forthcoming. I will never understand what causes some individuals to get satisfaction out of picking on lesser folks. It is a very sad aspect of our race, just as all the females coming forth subsequent to falling victim to older, stronger, slyer men in positions of authority.


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