The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on Nov 30th -Dec 2nd, 2018. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Adams, Sherry- Petition to Revoke (MISD)
Albertson, Michael- Failure to Pay Fine
Aldaco-Anguiano- Failure to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear (MISD)
Allen, Jacky- Failure to Pay Fine 2x, Failure to Appear (MISD)
Barosso, Jesus- Failure to Pay Fine 2x
Boggs, Dustin- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Boyle, Jessica- Theft of Property Less than 1K
Bragg, Krishna- Drug Court Sanctions
Bratton, Charlene- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Bratton, Matthew- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Bratton, Matthew- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Brewer, Mark- Third Degree Domestic Battery
Brunk, Michael- Veterans Court Sanctions
Byron, William- Public Intoxication
Cameron, Natasha- Failure to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear (MISD)
Cantrell, Christopher- Criminal Trespass- Failure to Appear (MISD), Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance Less than 4oz (MISD)
Cardoza, David- Assist Outside Agency (FELONY), Fleeing (on foot)
Carter, Charles- Petition to Revoke (FELONY), Failure to Pay Fine
Castanon, Omar- Failure to Pay Fine, Hold for U.S. Marshall
Clifton, Robert- Released from ADC (has previous charges not bonded on)
Collins, Garrett- Public Intoxication, Criminal Trespass
Constancio, Michael- Failure to Pay Fine
Cronkhite, Yvonne- DWI (1st Offense)
Dawson, Timothy- DWI (1st Offense), Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test (adult)
Demery, Jacob- Public Intoxication
Dickerson, Melissa- Public Intoxication
Donald, Victor- Public Intoxication
Downs, Eric- Failure to Appear (FELONY), Fugitive from Justice (Out of State)
Drozdowski, David- Assist Outside Agency (FELONY)
Drozdowski, David- Assist Outside Agency (FELONY)
Elrod, Steven- Assist Outside Agency (FELONY)
Ensey, Jerri- Overdraft or Violation Of the Arkansas Hot Check Law (MISD)
Flanagan, Anthony- Failure to Pay Fine, Assist Outside Agency (FELONY)
Flynt, James- Public Intoxication
Franco-Velasquez, Cayetano- ICE Hold
Gann, Phillip- Petition to Revoke (MISD)
Gattis, Zachary- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Gibson, Tressie- Contempt of Court (Child Support)
Goolsby, Justin- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Goss, Candice- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Hall, William- Failure to Pay Fine
Harrington, Maria- Second Degree Battery, Criminal Trespass, Resisting Arrest (MISD), Second Degree Criminal Mischief (Damage), Public Intoxication
Harrington, Maria- Second Degree Battery, Criminal Trespass, Resisting Arrest (MISD), Second Degree Criminal Mischief (Damage), Public Intoxication
Helton, Amber- ADC Commitment Hold,
Helton, Samuel- Possession of Schedule I-II Controlled Substance Less than 2g, Possession of Drug Parphernalia, Failure to Appear (MISD)
Hemphill, Steven- Third Degree Domestic Battering
Hollingsworth, Hannah- Resisting Arrest (MISD), Public Intoxication, Theft of Property Over 1K, Assist Outside Agency (FELONY) 2x
Howard, Eldon- Theft of Property Less than 1K
Howell, William- Driving on Suspended or Revoke DL (DWI)
Huckaba, Thomas- Assist Outside Agency (FELONY)
Inthavong, Prescott- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Jones, Lonnie- Fugitive from Justice (Out of State)
Juarez, Alex- Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance Less than 4oz (MISD), Possession of Drug Parphernalia
Lamb, Russell- Public Intoxication
Magness, Deborah- Delivery of Schedule I-II Controlled Substance Less than 2g, Failure to Appear (MISD)
Martinez, Manual- Absconding, Parole Violation, Failure to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear (MISD)
Massey, Norman- Failure to Pay Fine
May, Cassie- Theft of Property Less than 1K, Possession of Schdule IV-V Controlled Substance Less than 28g (MISD)
Mccurry, Jessica- DWI (1st Offense), Driving While License Cancelled or Suspended, Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test (adult)
McInnis- Theft of Property Less than 1K, Criminal Trespass
Melton, Scottie- Public Intoxication
Mercado-Olivera, Omar- Failure to Appear (FELONY)
Miller, Cory- Hold for US Marshal
Montgomery, Melissa- Failure to Pay Fine, Possession of Schedule I-II Controlled Substance Less than 2g (FELONY), Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance Less than 4 oz (MISD), Possession of Schedule IV-V Controlled Substance Less than 28g (inmate)
Morgan, Jeffery- DWI (1st Offense), Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test (adult)
Morgan, Joshua- Failure to Appear (MISD) 2x
Myers, Marlon- Failure to Pay Fine
Passmore, Justus- Failure to Appear (FELONY), Absconding, Parole Violation
Patrick, Donald- Public Intoxication
Pfeifer, Justin- Theft of Property Less than 1K, Obstructing Governmental Operations, Resisting Arrest (MISD), Fleeing
Phelps, Alexander- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Pickett, Leon- Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance Less than 4oz (MISD)
Price, Billy- Failure to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear (MISD), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Price, Billy- Failure to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear (MISD), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Reese, Tiffany- Theft of Property Less than 1K
Riley, Kelly- ADC Commitment Hold
Rivas-Bonilla, Gerardo- ICE Hold
Scheer, Peter- Theft of Property Less than 1K
Sexton, Miriam- Public Intoxication
Sifuentes, Dulce- Theft of Property More than 1K
Sifuentes, Dulce- Theft of Property More than 1K
Smith, Ryan- Public Intoxication, Obstructing Governmental Operations
Smithson, Cissy- Drug Court Sanctions, Failure to Pay Fine
Spiprasert, Bobby- Failure to Appear (FELONY), Failure to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear (FELONY), Hold for US Marshall, Parole Violation
Stewart, Fredrick- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Taylor, Catherine- First Degree Terroristic Threatening
Taylor, Samantha- Failure to Appear (MISD), Surrender Off Bond
Velazquez, Juan- DWI (2nd Offense)
Vigus, David- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Ward, Kenneth- Public Intoxication
Williams, Jeron- Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance with the Purpose to Deliver Over 4oz, Maintaining Premises for Drug Activity, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Williams, Lilli- Failure to Appear (MISD), Failure to Pay Fine, Theft of Property Less than 1K, Possession of Schdule VI Controlled Substance Less than 4oz
Wilson, Daniel- Absconding, Parole Violation, Driving While License Cancelled or Suspended, Leaving the Scene of An Accident, DWI (2nd Offense), Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test, Careless Driving
Winters, William- Public Intoxication
Yocum, Jimmy- Released from ADC (has charges not previously bonded on)
Zaragoza, August- Public Intoxication, Criminal Trespass, Contempt of Court (Child Support)